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Guarantee? No. If there is not sufficient variance genetically by recombination and mutation in the immediate environment then nothing will speciate. But geographic barriers are very likely to aid speciation.

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Reproductive variation introduces new alleles into the population gene pool. Alleles are variants for genes. Genes are sequences of nucleotides in the DNA or RNA of organisms that either code for proteins or regulate expression of other genes in some way.

As long as organisms live together in a group of organisms that interbreed, new variant alleles can spread throughout the entire population. But as soon as populations are separated by some geographical boundary, and interbreeding between two separated groups becomes sparce or non-existent, new variant alleles can no longer pass from one population to the other.

Because reproductive variation is essentially random, the chances that the same variations will occur in both populations independently are vanishingly slim. Therefore, both populations will develop their own distinct set of variations. The amount of genetic differences between the populations will therefore grow as long as the populations are separated.

If such divergence is unimpeded (ie. if the population remains reproductively separated), it may eventually lead to reproductive incompatibility between the two populations, and speciation will have occurred.

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Q: Can geographic barriers guarantee the formation of new species?
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Is geographic barriers guarantee the formation of new species?

Yes, geographic barriers guarantee the formation of new species.

A factor that is necessary for the formation of a new species?

different mating patterns

The condition in which there are barriers to inbreeding between individuals of same species separated by portion of a mountain range is referred to as?

Geographic isolation.

Do geographic barriers guarantee the formation of new specie?

Not guarantee, but it is rather helpful. It is not too likely that two population split by a solid geographic barrier would not begin to speciate. To not speciate they would have to not have any beneficial mutations over time that would carry their gene pools apart. Then there is the possibility of founder effect by having the frequency of alleles vary between the two populations in a random manner. So, not guarantees, but even modern ring species vary greatly enough that at the ends of the ring they are different species. ( Google ring species )

How can islation lead to formation of new species?

Allopatric Speciation (geographic isolation) can lead to the formation of a new species because the population is split in two smaller populations by a physical barrier (river, canyon, mountain...).

Why might a geographic barrier such as a large river cause the formation of a new species of small rodents but not a new species of birds?

Geographic barrier is the barrier which cease the movement of any organism through it. Now as rodents which are not able to cross the river stay apart and develop into different species whereas the as the birds are able to fly the can cross this barrier and can cross with the birds of other part which did not lead the formation of new species of birds.

What type of isolating mechanism was important in the formation of Galapagos finch species?

Geographic IsolationSpeciation in the Galápagos finches occurred by founding of new populations, geographic isolation, gene pool changes, reproductive isolation, and ecological competition.

What type of isolation mechanism was important in the formation of Galapagos finches species?

Geographic IsolationSpeciation in the Galápagos finches occurred by founding of new populations, geographic isolation, gene pool changes, reproductive isolation, and ecological competition.

What are reproductive barriers?

There are two general categories of reproductive isolating mechanisms: prezygotic, or those that take effect before fertilization, and postzygotic, those that take effect afterward. Prezygotic RIMs prevent the formation of hybrids between members of different populations through ecological, temporal, ethological (behavioral), mechanical, and gametic isolation.

Geographic and reproductive isolation are most closely associated with?

Speciation. Geographic isolation occurs when a population is divided by a physical barrier, leading to the development of distinct species over time. Reproductive isolation refers to barriers that prevent individuals from different populations from successfully mating and producing viable offspring.

What size is the geographic range of the species?


What are the advantages of physical barriers in biology?

Biological barriers are factors that prevent species migration, interbreeding, or free movement. What determines the barrier depends on the species and it's method of movement. For some species biological barriers are physical like bodies of water, mountains, or deserts.