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by weathering and erosion

answer 2 The most common place for rocks to be formed is under the sea. Where a large river enters the sea. the sediment load will be dumped as there is no longer a current to entrain them. The sediment settles, larger/heavier particles settle close to the coast, and the fine /light particles settle far out.

Gravity then takes over, and gradually these layers of sediment get compressed, the water gets squeezed out, and a soft rock results. Allow a few million more years and the minerals within the rock can form larger groups and new chemicals, and these compounds will be firmer that the silt from which they were formed.

The rocks thus formed appear as siltstones and sandstones.

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The Earth's crust is resting on tectonic plates witch are constantly moving but at very slow speeds. they rub against each other causing earthquakes and they do push up against each other witch then rise to form mountains but they do not necessarily have to be underwater.

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Q: Can rocks in the sea form mountains If so how?
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What aids in the weathering and transportation of rocks?

Very simply, rocks on the surface of the earth are weathered and eroded. The broken pieces are carried away, mostly by streams and rivers - this is transportation. When the river drops the pieces of rock, often when it reaches the sea, we have the material to start the formation of new sedimentary rocks. Weathering also exposes more older rock, so the processes continue.

What are the 4 steps that clouds form?

Clouds can form in one of four ways: mountains, the rise of air masses, cold or warm weather fronts, and surface heating. Cumulus clouds form by surface heating or mountains, status forms by weather fronts, and all types can form by the rising of air masses.

Why are fossils most likely to be found in sedimentary rock samples?

Most fossils are found in sedimentary rock, because igneous and metamorphic rock undergo great heat and pressure when forming, where as sedimentary rocks undergo much less pressure and heat to form, better preserving the fossil

Which major kind of rock is formed by seafloor spreading?

Seafloor spreading at mid ocean ridges produces magma and later igneous rocks that are mostly basaltic. Being a mafic rock, it ejected from a mid ocean ridge so it is extrusive. Often it is aphanitic and visicular. Basalt is most common on sea floors because the magma that is melted is comprised of mostly mafic rocks.

Which planet is a planet of rocks and ice?

The planet is Pluto, but Pluto is not a planet anymore so no planet has rock and ice in the middle.

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What is the rock cycle explain in kids' explanation?

Magma from the earth travels to the surface It hardens and makes mountains. Water breaks the mountains down over a long time The small bits of rock travel down rivers and go into the sea Over time, layers of rock form, called sedimentary rocks During this time, at depth, the pressure is high and so rocks get bent and form metamorphic rocks.

Why can you not find fossils in other rocks?

Every rocks have formed in special environment some form by lava and some form in sea, raver and lakes so the rock which is formed inside water so they have fossils of specific environment and the rocks form by lava it was hot so there were no possibility to preserved living organism.

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What makes the Rocky Mountains so unique?

The way that the mountains are shapped and the types of rocks.

Why do rivers begin from mountains?

Today now there is mountains here was sea and there was sea here was mountains so mountains are main sources of unused water.

What can mountains be used for?

mountains can be used for shelter or a block so the sea does not come in

How many mountains and volcanos under the sea?

there are hundreds of mountains and volcanos under the sea but there are so many that we do not know about so it is hard to say exactly how many

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Where do mountains form?

Well convergent boundaries form mountains, but where do mountains form within the boundary? They start under the ocean and come up when the plates come together. So therfore they form under the ocean.

Are volcano's mountains?

Not all volcanoes are mountains though most do form mountains. Some volcanoes form as simple fissures in the ground. There is a so-called supervolcano in Yellowstone that, does not take the form of a mountain. Kimberlite volcanoes also erupt too violently to form mountains.

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