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Q: Charles Darwin is credited with the theory of?
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Who credited with the theory of natural selection?

Charles Darwin.

The person credited with being the codiscoverer of the theory of natural selection was?

The theory was developed independently by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace.

Who was presented the theory of evolution?

While others presented the basis of the idea, Charles Darwin presented The Theory of Evolution as it is understood today. His book, The Theory of Evolution is generally credited as the beginning of the movement.

Who is credited with developing the theory of evolution?

Charles Darwin... check out his Wikipedia page for more info...

Who created theory?

The Theory of Evolution has been evolving for many years. However, the person usually credited with its "creation" is Charles Darwin.

What individuals are credited with stating the theory of evolution through natural selection?

The primary developers of evolutionary theory are Charles Robert Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace.

What are the Theories of Charles Darwin?

Charles Darwin is known for his theory of evolution through natural selection, which suggests that species evolve over time through the process of adapting to their environment. He also proposed the theory of common descent, stating that all living organisms are related and share a common ancestor. Additionally, Darwin's theory of sexual selection explains how certain traits can be favored in mate selection and lead to evolutionary changes.

What is Biogeochemical theory?

the theory of charles darwin

Who was the naturalist responsible for the theory of evolution?

Both Charles Robert Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace are responsible for this theory that hangs all of biology together.

What theory was proposed by Charles Darwin?

Darwin proposed the theory of evolution.evolutionvariationartificial selection

Who credited the origin of species?

Charles Darwin is the author.

Who created this theory?

Friedrich Ratzel is credited as the creator of the Organic Theory. He was a German geographer who also developed the concept of living space.