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Q: Cliffs and basins are formed when glaciers pluck out giant blocks of what?
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Water passes through what cliffs formed by glaciers?

The Fjords

Norway famous for these natural landmarks water passes through these cliffs formed by glaciers?


How did the yosemite valley form?

Yosemite was formed through the interaction of the glaciers and the underlying rocks. Most of the terrain is made of granite, formed by the hardening of formerly molten rock and exposed erosion.

How was niagara falls formed?

Niagara Falls is on of nature's greatest wonders. These gigantic waterfalls were formed 10,000 years ago when the last glaciers were retreating north. As the glaciers moved, they exposed cliffs at Niagara and allowed water to flow from Lake Erie into Lake Ontario. As the cliffs eroded, the water flowed back into Lake Erie, creating the falls.

How was Lake Erie created?

Nature thought the flat land in that area was too flat, especially to move glaciers back and forth on the land. So over thousands of years, nature sent glaciers down across what is now Canada and now the US. These glaciers would advance...and retreat... over and over during seasons throughout the glacial period of earth. As the glaciers advanced and receded, it broke rocks down, which eventually created five very deep "basins". Each of these basins, as they formed, collected rain water and melted glacial water. Eventually, the glaciers retreated off these lands. The basins formed by the glaciers created The Great Lakes, and are known as glacial lakes. No one built Lake Erie; nature formed or created it.

Norway is famous for these natural landmarks Water passes through these cliffs formed by glaciers?


How are continental and valley glaciers?

Continental glaciers are thicker and larger. Valley glaciers are formed on mountains; continental glaciers are formed on flat land.

Which glacial feature has steep cliffs?

Some were, if in the mountains. Glaciers carve out deep U-section valleys with very steep sides and headwalls. Coastal cliffs though are formed by the sea eroding the land, and the nature of the cliff depends very much on the rock in which it is being cut.

What was formed over thousands of years because of the thawing and freezing of water?

it formed glaciers it formed glaciers

When are tunra formed?

tundra are formed when glaciers of water freezes. tundra are formed when glaciers of water freezes.

How the Yosemite valley was formed?

It was formed by glaciers

What is a row of cliffs formed by faulting that is 5 letters?

Dover (white cliffs)