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barometer is used to measuring atmospheric pressure. manometer is used to measuring the pressure of gases.

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Q: Collect the Differences between a barometer and manometer?
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What are the differences between mercury and anderoid barometer?

wires and mercury that's how their different mean really the name is common sense

What is the difference between a Bourdon gauge and a barometer?

A barometer measures the pressure of the atmosphere. A manometer measures the pressure of something (most often a gas) inside a container. Some simple manometers actually measure the difference between the pressure inside the container and atmospheric pressure outside.

What is an electrical manometer?

Electrical manometer is an electronic manometer use to record pressures between two points. It is commonly used in recording pressure in bridges.

Which statement accurately describes a difference between a mercury barometer and an aneroid barometer?

One statement to accurately describe a difference between a mercury barometer and an aneroid barometer is that a mercury barometer is a closed tube containing mercury. An aneroid barometer is a closed, flexible container of gas.

What is the difference between the aneroid barometer and a mercury barometer?

their spelling is different.

What is the difference between Mercury barometer and a aneroid barometer?

their spelling is different.

Difference between pressure gauge and manometer?

A manometer is a pressure gauge, "Manometer" reads extremely low pressures that are very close to atmospheric pressures, "pressure gauges" read much larger pressures.

Why the water levels in the various Manometer tubes are different?

The reason the water levels in the various manometer tubes are different is because of the difference in pressure. A manometer is used to measure the pressure between two different systems.

What is the use of you shaped manometer?

A "U" shaped manometer is used to measure differences in pressure between the two ends. If one end is open to the atmosphere, it measures the difference between atmospheric pressure and the pressure where the other end is connected. When one end is evacuated and sealed it measures the difference between the vapor pressure of the manometer fluid (which is usually negligible) and the pressure of whatever the other end is connected to. When connected to two different locations along a pipe, it measures the pressure drop. If a constriction is placed in the pipe, this can be used to gauge the flow rate in the pipe.

Why would it be necessary to attach a manometer to the hypsometer?

Why would it be necessary to attach a manometer to the hypsometer

What is the difference between a manometer and a pitot?

A manometer is a device for measuring pressures, especially the word is used for pressure meters that are constructed to use a liquid in a transparent U-tube. A peizometer is specifically about measuring pressures in ground water wells.

How do you use a manometer?

A manometer is a device that is used to measure the pressure of a fluid. The U-shaped glass tube is partially filled with a liquid, usually mercury. The difference between the height of the mercury corresponds to the difference between the pressure of the fluid in the container and the atmospheric pressure.