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Aluminum has a density of 2.7g/cc which is higher than that of water (1.0g/cc) and ordinarily would sink; if the can was empty and thus (like a boat) able to displace more weight in water (by virtue of its volume) than its own weight, it could then float. However, if it was filled with water, its overall density considering both the metal and the container's content, would be higher than water, and it would sink.

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10y ago
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10y ago

Even a steel canoe will float if it holds enough air to bring its overall specific gravity below that of water (1 gram per cubic centimeter). Think about battleships; even with all that steel armor, they float.

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12y ago

Solid aluminum will not float in water. But if you consider an aluminum Coke can, it will float because it is filled with air, which DOES float.

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Q: Do aluminum cans float in water?
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Yes, if is empty.

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figure it out you stupid

Do aluminum cans float?

Empty ones do. Full ones don't.

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How can aluminum float on water?

Shape the aluminum to look like a boat, so it displaces enough water to float. The force supporting the aluminum is the buoyant force. It is equal to the weight of the volume of water displaced.

How can aluminum foil float in water?

A thin aluminum foil can float on water if placed carefully flat on the surface because of the surface tension of water. If you were to submerge it, the foil will sink.

Why does aluminum foil float?

The aluminum foil is less dense than the water which makesit float. Aluminum foil is not less dense than water. It is more dense. The reason that aluminum foil floats is that the surface tension of the water will hold the sheet of foil. If you still think that the aluminum foil is less dense than water, try floating a roll of foil in a bucket.

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What can be made from recycled aluminum cans?

More aluminum cans!!!

Is an aluminum can a compound?

No aluminum cans are not compounds. Aluminum cans are made of aluminum which is an element and is very metallic.

Is an Aluminum a compound?

No aluminum cans are not compounds. Aluminum cans are made of aluminum which is an element and is very metallic.