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an element becomes more metallic as you travel down a group.

it becomes less metallic as you travel from left to right across a period.

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It is true in most of the cases but not is a rule.

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Q: Do elements become more metallic when you go down groups?
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Do elements become more or less metalic as you go down a group?

they become more metallic

Across the periodic table do the elements become more or less metallic?

in groups, as we go down metallic characteristics increases but in periods as we go left to right metallic characters decreases because non-metals are being introduced. i hope it helped!

Does metal on the periodic table become more metallic at the bottom of the table?

yes, elements get more metallic the further down they go.

As you go down a group the elements generally become more or less metallic?


What happens to the metallic characteristics as you go down the group?

The metallic characters increases as we going down the group its happen due to very high ionization energy values .

When you go down the element generally become more or less metallic?

as you go down a group the elements become more metallic. why? ionization energy decreases. ionization energy is the amount of energy needed to remove the most loosely held electrons. when electrons are lost, a metal is formed. so as you go down a group, the electrons are futher away from the nuclear pull (because the period increases). therefore, not much energy is needed to remove the electrons making it easier to loose them

What patterns do you notice as you move down the groups on the Periodic Table?

As the orientation goes down, the elements become more solid. :-)

What are the groups in the periodic table of elements?

groups are the elements that are vertical (up and down) such as hydrogen, lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium,and francium which are considered as group 1

What is the trend in metallic character going from left to right across a period in the periodic table?

the metallic character increase down the group as the size of atom increase down the group so the electron in outer most shell r more free to move

What is the most metallic of the elements?

most metals are metallic in a way. the periodic table consists of 3 different types of elements metals, non metals and metalloids the most metallic are the metals because they posses the most metal like properties.

Why some metals are found in the group with nonmetals?

With the ecception of th ehalogens, group 17, the groups that have non-metals as the lightest groups 13, 14, 15, 16, the metallic character of the elements generally increaes as you go "down" the group, as the atomic number increases. As you go down a group the ionization potentials drop, it becomes progressivly easier for the electrons to be removed. This is one of the prerequisites for a metallic bond where the s and p electrons are "free to roam". the more obvious concluion is that the formation of cations gets easier which is characteristic of metals.

How do scientists use periodic table?

elements down are families or similar traits elements across is groups same proton count