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Both. Cars and trucks use different types - cars use regular and trucks use deisel - but both are still gasoline.

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Q: Do gasoline make cars or trucks move?
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What type of energy source is gasoline?

Gasoline is a Mechanical energy because gasoline can make cars move and cars are moving things.

How do you know that there is energy in gasoline?

Because it take energy to move a car and cars run on gasoline.

Why do truck require more force to move than cars?

Trucks are heavier and tend to carry more.

What do people press to make cars and trucks work?

People press the accelerator to make cars and trucks move. If you want to make them turn on however, turn the key in the ignition. If this doesn't work add fuel or charge battery. If for some reason you can't get that working head into the mechanic.

Why is gasoline useful in cars?

It is useful to cars because it helps them move for one place to another

How does Spain go from one place to another?

they mostly move by cars and trucks

How much does it cost to move 4 cars and 4 trucks from NW Montana to eastern Washington?

It would be about 800$ a car, and 1100$ a truck give or take depending on the types of cars and trucks.

How towtrucks work?

Tow trucks are used to move cars when they can not be driven for any specific reason.

How do cars move without gas?

make it electric cars

Hybrid Car Performance?

The key to hybrid car performance is the duel engine capacity. This make the gasoline engine smaller, allowing it to be much more efficient. Most cars rely on a large gasoline engine as their only power source, and the larger the gasoline engine the more problems arise. In the smaller gasoline engines found in hybrid cars, the engine requires smaller and lighter parts which reduces the number of cylinders needed to move the car.

Group of trucks?

A fleet of trucks. Or if the trucks are on the move, it is a convoy

How does the ignite mixture of gasoline and air in a cars engine use thermal expansion to move a piston?

motor conected to fuel tank