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No, cells can have nuclei irrespective of whether they are plant or animal; some don't however (red blood cells for example).

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Q: Do plant and animal cells lack nuclei?
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True or false plants and animals lack nuclei?

False, the majority of plant and animal cells have nuclei, with the exception of some specialized cells.

Do most plant cells differ from animal cells because they lack nucleoli?

Plant cells are different from animal cells because of these differences: Plant cells have a cell wall, chloroplasts, and a large central vacuole. Animal cells do not. Both type of cells have nuclei.

Do animal cells lack nuclei?

No. Animals, plants and most living organisms do not lack a nuclei.

What two organelles do animal cells have that plant cells lack?

The two organelles that plant cells have that animal cells lack are: 1. Cell wall 2. Vacuole.

Do plant cells lack centrioles while animal cells do not?


How Animal cells are different from plant cells because they lack a?

Animal cells dont have chlorophyll

What two organelles do plant cells have that animal cells lack?

The two organelles that plant cells have that animal cells lack are: 1. Cell wall 2. Vacuole.

What do plant cells have the animal cells lack?

cell wall (cellulose)

What does a plant cell have that a anim al cell doesnt have?

An animal cell has lysosomes and centrioles where a plant cell doesn't. also a plant cell has a cell wall and chloroplast.

What other feature does a plant cell have that an animal cell lack?

Plant cells have a cell wall and chloroplasts, which animal cells do not have.

Are centrioles present in plant and animal cells?

Plants do have centrosomes, but they do not contain centrioles in them.

What things differ between the plant and animal cells?

Plant Cells have cell walls and Animal Cells don't, Plant cells have chloroplasts where as Animal cells don't, Plant cells are more rectangular and Animal cells are sort of round, Plant cells use chloroplasts for food, Animal cells use mitochondria Plant cells have one large vacuole, where as Animal cells have a lot of small ones, Plant cells lack lysosomes, while Animal cells have them, Plant cells have a central vacuole and Animal cell don't