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Yes, they do. Sound waves move fastest through solids, less fast through liquids, and slowest through gasses. This is because the molecules of solids are closer together, while those of gasses are further apart, creating more space that the waves must jump to move.

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Q: Do sound waves particles move fast though a solid?
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Is Light has many of the properties of waves but light can also act as though it is a stream of?

... particles.... particles.... particles.... particles.

What is the relationship between the movement of the wave and the movement of the particles of the medium?

The dispersion relationship depends on the medium through which the waves propagate and on the type of waves (for instance electromagnetic, sound or water waves). For sound waves, the denser a medium is, the faster the waves will travel as particles will be closer together and thus energy can be transferred among them at a greater rate.

What must be present for sound to travel?

Sound needs a media to propagate. Sound can not propagate in a vacuum. Sound waves, unlike light, are essentially compression waves and the sound in order to move from one place to other needs molecules to compress and decompress against, hence the wave is transmitted. In a vacuum, there are no molecules. Hence no sound.

How do sound waves travel through water?

Hi, sound waves vibrate particles within a certain medium, and we can consider water as a medium just like air. the way sound waves work is by transmitting energy from the source (you maybe) through a medium, which is water in this case making the particles in water vibrate back and forth to carry the energy (sound waves) in all directions, so a receiver somewhere below the water can hear a noise. i hope this answered your question :)

What layer of earth will waves travel through faster?

The mantle of course.....because sound waves travel through liquid like surfaces better than solid rock.

Related questions

Sound waves are what waves?

Sound waves are longitudinal waves, which transfer energy by compressing particles, which then apply pressure on the particles infront of them. The point at which the particles are compressed is known as the compression, whereas the point at which the particles are most spaced out is known as the rarefaction

Explain why a sound waves can travels faster in a solid than in a gas?

I believe it has something to do with the particles of a solid being closer and more tightly compacted.

Why the speed of sound is greater in steel than in fluid?

That is because sound waves travel through particles, and solid particles are closer than liquid/gas particles, thus, logically sound wave will travel faster in steel than in a fluid. :)

When particles spread?

Sound does not spread out in particles but in waves. Imagine dropping a pebble in a still lake...and that is how sound waves spread out. Sound waves can also reverberate through harder materials; however, soft materials absorb the vibrations.

Do air particles travel with sound sound waves?

since sound needs a medium for its propagation , it requires air particles to travel along with its waves.

Why does sound travel slowest though glass?

because glass is more dense, meaning the particles are more tightly together, because its a solid. sound travles fastest through gas because gases arnt very dense, their particles arent so tightly put together, so its easier for the sound waves to get through

What transmits a sound through solid?

Sound waves transmit sound through a solid, as well as air and water. Sound waves cannot be transmitted through a vacuum.

How sound waves travel through solids?

Sound waves are just vibrations of molecules, so the molecules or particles in a solid vibrate transversely. Sound also travels faster in solids, 5000m/s in steel, while only 300m/s in air. This is because the particles are closer together meaning the energy has less of a distance to travel between the particles.

A sound must have what to travel?

There must be particles present for sound waves to travel. Sound travels by vibration, when one particle hits another. This is why there is no sound in a vacuum as no particles are present. Therefore, sound travels better within a space with a higher concentration of particles. For example, sound travels faster through a solid as opposed to a liquid or gas.

Where do sound waves originate?

All sound waves originate from a source that causes the vibration of air particles.

Sound travels faster through what?

The speed of sound is determined by what it travels through. It travels faster through dense mediums, such as liquids, and doesn't travel at all in space, because there are no molecules to move sound waves along.

Why does sound need a medium to travel through solid liquids and gases?

Sound is a pattern of vibrating particles of matter; these particles are necessarily in the form of a solid, liquid, or gas. If there are no particles of matter (in other words, a vacuum) then there will be no pattern of vibrations, since there is nothing to vibrate. Electromagnetic waves (such as light) are different. They are still generated by vibrating particles (usually electrons) but they do not consist of vibrating particles, but of electromagnetic fields. That is why they, unlike sound, can travel even in a vacuum.