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Tea will be prepared much more quickly in hot water than cold water since, in hot water, the molecules are moving much more quickly and are thus interacting much more with the tea leaves, making them diffuse more quickly. Tea can still be prepared in cold water, but at a much slower rate.

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12y ago

As you know, the term 'hot' is a synonym to the word 'sexy' so, when tea is put into hot water, it is more inclined to bond with this sexy new water. Cold water on the other hand, is frigid and undesirable for the adolescent teabag.

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14y ago

in hot tea, as rate of diffusion is more when temp. is high.....

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Q: Do tea leaves diffuse in hot water or cold water why?
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Do you have to use hot water to make tea or can i just put a tea bag in a cold glass of water?

sure it is not the same because of the burning effect of hot water eodema of pharincs and laringitis

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