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Q: Does Archimedes principle holds a good for a satellite moving in a circular orbit?
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What is the force called that keeps an object moving in a circle?

The force that keeps an object moving in a circle or an arc is called a centripetal force. Gravity is an example of centripetal force that keeps a satellite in a circular orbit around a planet. Another example is when you ride on a merry-go-round - the rotating play structure imparts a centripetal force upon you, forcing you to also travel in a circle.

What is a satellite that stay in the same location in the sky?

The term you are looking for is geostationary, or geosynchronous. when a satellite's apparent position relative to the surface of the earth remains the same. of course they are still moving through space, but from an earth based observation they dont go anywhere.

How must the net force depend on the speed of the moving object in order to obtain uniform circular motion?

The force required to keep a body to be in a uniform circular motion is known as centripetal force means centre seeking force. This centripetal force is directly proportional to the square of the speed of the particle.

What is bernoullis principle?

The relationship between the velocity and pressure exerted by a moving liquid is described by the Bernoulli's principle: as the velocity of a fluid increases, the pressure exerted by that fluid decreases.Airplanes get a part of their lift by taking advantage of Bernoulli's principle. Race cars employ Bernoulli's principle to keep their rear wheels on the ground while traveling at high speeds.Bernoulli's principle, physical principle formulated by Daniel Bernoulli that states that as the speed of a moving fluid (liquid or gas) increases, the pressure within the fluid decreases. The phenomenon described by Bernoulli's principle has many practical applications; it is employed in the carburetor and the atomizer, in which air is the moving fluid, and in the aspirator, in which water is the moving fluid. In the first two devices air moving through a tube passes through a constriction, which causes an increase in speed and a corresponding reduction in pressure. As a result, liquid is forced up into the air stream (through a narrow tube that leads from the body of the liquid to the constriction) by the greater atmospheric pressure on the surface of the liquid. In the aspirator air is drawn into a stream of water as the water flows through a constriction. Bernoulli's principle can be explained in terms of the law of conservation of energy (see conservation laws, in physics). As a fluid moves from a wider pipe into a narrower pipe or a constriction, a corresponding volume must move a greater distance forward in the narrower pipe and thus have a greater speed. At the same time, the work done by corresponding volumes in the wider and narrower pipes will be expressed by the product of the pressure and the volume. Since the speed is greater in the narrower pipe, the kinetic energy of that volume is greater. Then, by the law of conservation of energy, this increase in kinetic energy must be balanced by a decrease in the pressure-volume product, or, since the volumes are equal, by a decrease in pressure.

How can you show that force certainly acts on a particle moving along circular path?

If no force acts on a particle, that particle will either be motionless, or will move in a straight line; this follows from Newton's laws of motion. When a particle is moving in a circular path, the direction of its motion is constantly changing, and to change the direction of motion requires force. We know that force equal mass times acceleration, which is the basis of all physics, as originally stated by Newton. So if a mass is being accelerated, then force is being applied. That is an inescapable conclusion. And only acceleration can change the direction in which a particle moves.

Related questions

Does the Archimedes principle hold in a satellite moving in a circular orbit?

The Archimede principle is quite irrelevant for an object in empty space. Since the density of outer space is almost zero, there is no significant buoyant force.

What is an example of Circular acceleration?

a satellite in orbit; it is moving at constant speed but is accelerating outward in circular acceleration, balanced by gravity acceleration (centripetal force).

A force that holds a moving object in a circular path is called the?

A force that holds a moving object in a circular path is a "centripetal force". In the case of an orbiting planet, moon, artificial satellite etc., the mutual force of gravitation between the orbiting body and the central body is the centripetal force.

The space shuttle releases a satellite into a circular orbit 600 km above the Earth How fast must the shuttle be moving relative to Earth when the release occurs?

This depends on the type of shuttle and its orbit. The speed can differ from satellite to satellite, therefore a definite answer can not be given about the exact speed of shuttle while it releases satellite.

How can a body be accelerating when moving at constant speed?

A body is being accelerated if its speed OR direction are changing.A satellite in a perfectly circular orbit around the earth ... like a TV satellite ... is moving at constant speed. But, technically, since its direction is always changing, to keep it on a circle, it's experiencing constant acceleration.

An artificial satellite is moving in a circular orbit of radius 42050 km. calculate its speed if it takes 24 hours to revolve around the sun?

Here we will use the following formula velocity of the satellite v = 2πr/T here r is the radius of the circular path travelled by the satellite = 42250 km and T is the time period = 24 hrs. here, the distance travelled by the satellite in 24 hrs would be the circumference of the circular path of radius 42050 . so, v = (2 X 3.14 X 42050) / 24 = 264074 / 24 :)

What is another word for an artificial object moving around the earth?


What did Archimede discover?

Archimedes discovered and invented several things throughout his life:Archimedes' principle (one of several apsects involving buoyancy).The Archimedean screw (a fluid-moving device).The block-and-pulley (using mechanical advantage to move loads with less effort).Inventing the odometer (a device that measures distance travelled by a vehicle).The relation of a circle's area to its radius (given by a mathematical relationship and a basic tool of modern mathematics).

Uniform circular motion deals with objects moving with what speed in a circular path?

When an object is moving in a uniform circular motion while traveling in a circular path, this means it has a constant speed. When an object is moving in a circular path, this indicates it is constantly being pulled towards the center of the circle.


A force that acts on a body moving in a circular path and is directed around the object which the body is moving

Why Archimedes death ray is not effective?

it cant hit moving objects like boats

Is the momentum of an object moving in a circular path at a constant speed is constant?

determine if the momentum of an object moving in a circular path at constant speed is constant.