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Matt white

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Q: Does Matte black or Matte white cool faster?
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Which will cool faster white pot or black pot of boiling water?

the white pan because black gathers heat the white pan because black gathers heat Oddly, both wrong. The black one will cool slightly quicker as black is a better radiator of infrared. Better collectors are also better emitters. The reason it won't make much difference is that both colours are similar at infrared frequencies. If one pan was coloured silver however, it would cool much slower.

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black people suck

Why does black coffee cool down quickest?

well the hypothesis tells us that black coffee is naturally hotter than white coffee but the actual answer to this question is that white coffee cools faster because milk has its own temperature and will definitely make a difference.

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Is white color cold?

white and black are absence of color, but id consider black to be warm and white to be cool.

If you were to wear a black suit in the summer would you stay cool?

No. No because black attracts heat. If you wanted to stay cool in the summer you should wear white because white repels heat. White and black are opposites.

Which kettle would cool down faster a black shiny kettle or a shiny metallic kettle?

shiny because its cool when after boiled also the black wouldnt cool as it attracts heat.

What color harmony does violet belong to is it warm or cool?

white for warm and black for cool.

Would a black compost tumbler heat up faster than a green one?

Yes it will heat up faster and cool down faster.

Where on the Main Sequence are stars cool and dim?

None of them are cool and dim; the one in the white/black dwarfs are cool and dim.