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Yes, because of rolling friction which is a type of friction that any rolling object experiences. This friction adds resistance to roll which will slow the marble and eventually stop.

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Q: Does friction cause the average speed of a marble on a floor to decrease?
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Does friction decrease or increase?

Wax, due to it filling the pores that cause friction will reduce friction.

What types of weather cause friction on surfaces to decrease?

Colder temperatures can cause friction on surfaces to decrease as it can make surfaces more smooth and slippery. Rain or wet conditions can also reduce friction due to the presence of moisture on the surface. Additionally, icy or frosty conditions can lead to a decrease in friction as the ice or frost can create a slippery surface.

Does wax increase or decrease FRICTION?

Actually, waxing skis increases friction. Wax is not slippery. If you wanted less friction you could oil your skis.

Does texture affect speed?

Yes it does. The more "rough" the texture is, the more friction there will be. This will cause a decrease in speed and acceleration.

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Anything that comes into contact with anything else generates friction. However, most of the time, this amount of friction, and the heat it produces, is so small that it is undetectable without extremely precise instruments.

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It is made from around six to seven blocks of Parian Marble. no one cares cause ur aall average rookdaddys

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It can cause things to stop. (===========================) friction did that

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Yes, it does! marble is basic and reacts with the acid rain.

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white cause it takes longer to develop

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