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Yes they are, I'm trying to find out why though.

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11y ago

no...or Yes, but not nearly as well as metals do.

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Q: Does nonmetals conduct heat well
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Are metals and nonmetals both good conductors?

no because metals conduct heat and electricity well, but nonmetals do not

What are nonmetals sometimes called because they do not conduct heat and electricity well?

bad conducters or poor conduct of heat and light energy

Nonmetals that can conduct heat and electricity?


Can nonmetals conduct heat and electricity?


What can conduct heat and electricity but are not the best conductors?


What are 2 charactistics of non-metals?

Metals and Nonmetals have specific characteristics. Two characteristics of Nonmetals are typically brittle and do not shape easily, and they do not conduct heat or electricity well.

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Are metals and nonmetals and nonmetals are both good conductors?

Metals are good conductors. Some non-metals are good conductors, but many others are not.

Material that conducts thermal energy well?

All elements will conduct heat to some extent. metals conduct heat and electricity the best; metalliods conduct heat and electricity good too but not as good as metals. nonmetals are poor conductors.

What are charaterisitics of nonmetals?

there are many charaterisitics of nonmetals, a few of them are they do not conduct electricty. and they are not magnetic. mosts of nonmetals do not conduct heat, som are good insilaters. again as i said before, there are many charaterisitics you can look up a bunch more but i named a few.

Do nonmetals conduct less heat than metals?

Because it's that way ka peesh:(