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The answer to this question most likely has to do with the albedo of crayon (wax, charcoal, etc). Albedo is the extent to which an object diffusely reflects light from light sources, measured as a ratio. The lower the albedo, the more light/energy is absorbed into the object. Since darker colored objects absorb more energy, the albedo of a darker crayon is probably lower than the albedo of a lighter crayon. This means the darker crayon, while absorbing more energy, will heat up faster than the lighter crayon.

This is why snow around a tree typically melts much faster and earlier than snow with nothing around it -- because of the tree bark's albedo is much lower than snow/ice and thus can absorb more energy faster, and heat up whatever is around it quicker.

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14y ago
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14y ago

well actually it is my science fair projects but iam working on it right now........ but here is what i think............ i think yes because if a crayon is dark it might not take a lnog time for it to mel but it the crqaoyn is lite it is gonan go very quick because of the colors

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Q: Does the color of crayon affect it's melting rate?
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Does the color of crayon its melting rate?

well actually it is my science fair projects but iam working on it right now........ but here is what i think............ i think yes because if a crayon is dark it might not take a lnog time for it to mel but it the crqaoyn is lite it is gonan go very quick because of the colors

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