

Does water have size

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Does water have size
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What is the size of a water snail?

About the size of a cats bumhole

Why does water reduce in size when frozen?

No, water expands in size when frozen. That's why ice floats on water, and why pipe bursts occur when trapped water in them freezes.

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Its size decreases.

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The size of a sponge does affect the amount of water absorbed. The bigger the sponge the more water absorbed.

How big is a water tank?

About the same size as a water container.

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because the wood absorbs the water and its size increases the water enters the wood through small pores

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yes it dosen't matter what size it could be any size diaper and still absorb the same amount of water

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I think the amount of water does affect the size off a wave and many other things such as weather,things in the water,and the conditions at the bottom of the body of water.

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because butts fell in the water and the water kept rising so the size increased.

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Can a water molecule size 54hz be stable for a period of time?

What size pond to hold 3 acre feet of water?

Any size pond that can hold at least 977,600 gallons of water.