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Q: Dyes are usually added to sections of biological specimens to increase?
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magnify glass
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How many sections does a rondo have in music?

Usually 3 & it is usually repetitive.

Why are specimens usually very thin slices of material?

so they can see it better

Where does biological weathering usually take place?

biological weathering occurs in cool, humid clmates.

Do you have a gluten free section in the store?

It depends what your local store is, but usually GF sections are found in the health food sections, and there is GF sections in Safeway and Coles

What is the difference between a biological parent and non custodial parent?

None, as both are usually biological parents.

What are sections thin slices of specimens used for in science laboratories?

Biological thin specimens may be flash frozen using dry ice or liquid nitrogen and the sample is then embedded in paraffin wax or some similar material. From this block, thin sections are shaved off; often tens of samples; and these then may be transferred to a suitable mount for microscopic inspection.The shaving is usually done with the sharp edge of a specially prepared glass blade, and the the whole assembly is known as a microtome.This technique is used for plant or other bio tissue samples. For example, one could thus make a serial sections of a worm, allowing one to follow the location and shape of various organs in the body. Such as hearts or nephridia.Geological thin specimens are also prepared for microscope inspection. The rock sample is mounted on a suitable carrier, and a smooth face is prepared using fine grinding techniques. The smooth face is then adhered to the smooth face of a carrier, and the remainder of the rock is then ground away until only a thin section remains. Using a transparent carrier allows the progress of the grinding to be monitored.This is inspected under polarized light, and is an informative way of determining the minerals present.

What rate are the onset of symptoms from a biological terrorist incident?

In biological terrorist incidents onset of symptoms are usually minutes to hours.

An electron transferred in a biological system is usually.....?

accompanied by proton

Where belong periodical?

Periodicals are usually to be found in the periodical sections of a library.

How many sections of hair are usually needed to make a braid?


Which day of the week paper contains most sections in UK?

The Sunday paper typically contains the most sections in the UK, as it usually includes additional features such as lifestyle, travel, and entertainment sections in addition to the regular news sections.

What are biological words?

Biological words mean it's scientific name, it is usually in Latin, for example, gray wolf is Canis lupus