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No, electric lights come in both parallel and series circuit.

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Q: Electric lights will not come on unless their electrical circuit is a parallel circuit?
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Explain why buildings are wired using parallel circuits rather than series circuits.?

Homes are wired in parallel because of basic electrical theory. If something in a series circuit fails, the electrons cannot flow anymore. The WHOLE circuit is now down. Also, the voltage would drop after every resistance. A breaker is on each separate circuit in your house as protection. Those separate circuits are broken down even more as parallel circuits. When you unplug something, the whole circuit isn't affect (well, current, but you can still use your other electronics). Also, voltage must be at a certain level for all our things. In series, the resistance would lower the voltage, which can harm electronics designed for higher voltages.

What happens when you hook up the bulbs in parallel?

If you have a 3 bulbs in parallel lets say. If one of those burns out it just means that there is now an open circuit where the burned out bulb used to be. The two that remain aren't aware that anything has changed.

Are the lights in your house wired in series or in parallel?

it would be kind of both

What is a seris and a parrel circut?

in a series circuit current flows through each resistor or light bulb and if one item burns out the complete circuit goes dead such were the old fashioned xmas tree lights. They were wire in series and if one light burned out you had to test each light bulb til you found the one burned out to get the whole string to work again. In a parallel circuit each resistor, motor, light bulb has its own ground so if you lost one light in a circuit the rest of them continue to burn.

Why was the light bulb necessary?

Earlier forms of lighting, such as gas lights, were expensive, dangerous and gave less light than the electric light. Gas lights could not be used in places with a fire or explosion hazard.

Related questions

If you remove one bulb from a string of lights all the remaining lights will go out. are the lights in a series circuit or parallel circuit Explain?

Removing any bulb breaks the continuity of a series circuit, stopping the flow of electrical current. Removing a bulb in a parallel circuit does not interrupt the current flow, so the remaining lights continue to conduct electrical current.

Can you describe a situation where a parallel circuit could be used to operate an electrical device?

house lights

What type of circuit allows some lights to burn and some to be off at the same time?

Parallel circuits.

Are fluorescent lights on a parallel circuit or a series circuit?

series circuit

What is a sentence using parallel circuit?

My dad created a parallel circuit when he plugged in the Christmas lights.

Where are parallel circuits used?

Parallel circuits are used when there are many electronics on the same circuit, such as Christmas lights, for example. If they were on a series circuit, if one bulb went out all of them would go out. In your home, parallel circuits allow you to turn any electrical device on or off, independently of the others.

Are street lights on a series circuit or a parallel circuit?

Parallel. One light burning out does not stop all current flow to the other lights.

What is an example of an electrical system that uses a parallel circuit?

Most Xmas lights nowadays are wired in parallel. The reason being if one bulb fails the remaining lights stay on. ================================== All of the lights in your house are in parallel. All of the wall-outlets in your house are in parallel. All of the lights, wall outlets, and everything plugged into the wall, are all in parallel. They're also most likely in parallel with everything in the houses of your neighbors on both sides of your house.

What can you use a parallel circuit for?

Christmas tree lights, this parallel circuit prevents one bulb failure from turning off the whole string of lights.

Would you use Series or parallel circuit for Christmas lights?

Yes you would use a serial circuit You would use parallel circuit lights for a Christmas tree because if you used series circuit lights, and one of the bulb blows, the rest of the bulbs will go out. But with parallel circuit lights, if one bulb blows the rest of the bulbs will remain their brightness.

What is a circuit that lights up even if one bulb is out?

A parallel circuit lights up even when one bulb is out.

What is a electrical curcuit?

An electric circuit is a path in which electrons from a voltage or current source flow. Electric current flows in a closed path called an electric circuit. Its so simple, though my friend from extraminds help me with proper answer.