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  • The electrons are in orbitals, each orbital can take two electrons and each electron would have an opposite spin. Orbitals can have no electrons, one electron or be filled with two electrons.
  • Orbitals are arranged in energy levels. However, even in the same energy level different orbitals will have different energy despite being in the same main energy level.
  • The energy level nearest the nucleus has 1 orbital: 1s
  • The next energy level, the second energy level has four orbitals: 2s and three p orbitals. The 2p orbitals have more energy than the 2s orbital. The third energy level has 3s x1; 3p x 3 and 3d x 5 however, the 3d orbitals have an energy which actually places them in the fourth energy level between 4s and 4p. It gets complicated.
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9y ago
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12y ago

Energy level means the circular path or ORBIT around the nucleus associated with electrons, while orbit also means the same thing. It does not really matter which term you use to describe the path of the electrons in an atom.

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13y ago

There are actually many orbits per energy level. The number of orbits per energy level increases as you get farther away from the nucleus.

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