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Traits are passed by DNA.

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Q: How are traits passed from parents to their offspring?
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What are genetic traits?

Genetic traits are variations of features passed on to offspring from there parents.

How are traits passed from parents to offspring?

Traits are passed from parents to offspring through the transmission of genes. Genes are sections of DNA that code for specific traits, and offspring inherit a combination of genes from both parents. This genetic information is then expressed in the offspring’s physical characteristics and traits.

When traits have been passed from the parents to the offspring?


What are characteristics called that an offspring inherits from its parents?

Traits or characteristics that an offspring inherits from its parents are known as genetic traits or inherited traits. These traits are determined by the genetic material passed down from the parents to their offspring.

What do you call a characteristic that is passed from parents to offspring?

inheirtited traits

What is it called when instructions for traits passed to offspring from parents?


Why is it important for an offspring to inherit the traits from its parents?

Offspring must inherit traits from its parents because it parents contained genes that were dominant and survived. the genes passed from parent to offspring are important because they are the dominant genes of survival. they passed of survival genes to help their offspring live longer.

What are Cellular materials through which traits are passed from parents to offspring?


What was interested in the way traits are passed from parents offspring?

i have no idea :D

What did Mendel determine was not a good explanation for how traits were passed on from parent to offspring?

Traits are inherited through the genes of parents to their offspring. Traits can be a genetic transfer.

Scientists used data from Gregor Mendels studies to choke that information about traits passed from parents to offspring through?

Scientists used data from Gregor Mendel's studies to determine that information about traits is passed from parents to offspring through discrete units called genes. These genes are located on chromosomes and carry the instructions for specific traits that are inherited by offspring from their parents. Mendel's work laid the foundation for the field of genetics.

How do the traits are not manifested in the parents show up in offspring?

Traits that are not manifested in the parents can still be passed on through their genes and show up in their offspring. These hidden traits can be carried in the genetic makeup of the parents and passed down to their offspring, where they may become visible if the necessary combinations of genes occur during the process of inheritance.