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Liquid changes to gas when pressure is reduced and temperature is increased. When pressure on liquid is reduced, the inter molecular space increases and temperature increases the kinetic energy of the atoms. This changes liquid to gaseous state

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14y ago

As pressure is applied the atoms of the liquid start coming closer to each other.When the intermolecular distance become equal to that for the solid, it becomes solid.

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Q: How can pressure change a liquid into a solid?
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Can pressure alone change something from a solid to a liquid?

in low pressure environments it is possible for a solid to change to a liquid

What can change a liquid to solid?

everything with the right balance of temperature and pressure

Six processes that cause matter to change state?

From gas to liquid is called condensation. Liquid to solid is freezing or solidification. Solid to gas is sublimation. Gas to solid is deposition. Solid to liquid is melting. Liquid to gas is vaporization.

Is it possible to change a liquid into solid by applying pressure and reducing temperature?


What can change from a solid to a liquid?

everything with the right balance of temperature and pressure

Change from liquid to solid?

is when the solid is hard then the word is Melting to change to liquid

What is the process to liquid to solid?

In physics, the solid to liquid process is known as melting. The three states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas. There is a change in phase or a phase transition in a substance when there is a change in either its temperature or pressure. The melting process is a phase transition.

At what temperature will water change from a solid to a liquid?

Water will change from a solid to a liquid at 0°C at standard atmospheric pressure of 760 mm of mercury.

What of a liquid to a solid?

change of a liquid to a solid

What changes a liquid or a solid to a gas?

usually a change in temperature.... OR PRESSURE Which all mean a change in entropy of the system

What is the change for liquid and solid?

The change from liquid to solid is called freezing.

Why does change of state happen?

Change of state happens with the change in temperature and pressure. We can refer below given information for easy understanding: Solid-heating-forms liquid liquid-heating- forms gas gas- compressing(increasing pressure)- can change into liquid as well as solid if applied access pressure It should also be noted that some gases while compressing change into solid state without changing into liquid and viceversa. Eg. Carbondioxide, Ammonium chloride etc. This process is called sublimation