

How can you represent atoms?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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14y ago

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First you start of by finding out what the atomic number is of the element, in this case the number is 17.

You then draw a circle, you are aloud to put 2 electrons on this circle. you then draw another cirlce around it, you are aloud to have 8 electrons on the outer shells. you will ned a third circle to put the rest of the elcetrons on to it.

in total you should have the smallest circle with 2 electrons, the middle circle with 8 and then the outer shell with 7 elecrons on it. you can draw the electrons as dots or crosses on the cirlce line.

because the outer shell is not full and only has 7 electrons instead of 8, this means it will be reactive. if an element has a full outer shell then it becomes unreactive.

hope that helped. :)

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14y ago

to represent an element its using the Periodic Table (element symbol, Atomic Mass, atomic number)

to represent electrons you draw the electronic structure

to represent atoms draw a circle with the element symbol in the centre. you then draw the electron orbits.

(i think this is right)

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12y ago

you can build up an atom by the collection of protron.eletron.nutron

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