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The Odone parents both became scientists out of desperation. First, Lorenzo's parents started by learning all they could about the disease. They read all the available studies on the topic, and even read beyond ALD-specific studies to learn about other experiments. Their proposed hypothesis was that using a modified olive oil would reduce the fats in Lorenzo's blood. They tested it by feeding him the oil at regular intervals. They kept careful notes on the fluctuation of his triglyceride levels. However, it did not work completely, and they had to restart the process. They then realized that there was just one enzyme working on the long chain fatty acids, and that this caused the oil to be ineffective. For the oil to be effective, it had to occupy the short chain fatty acids as well. Through more studying, they found that adding rapeseed oil would occupy the short chain fatty acids as well. Once again, they tested and kept close notation on the triglyceride levels. This time, they got the serum correct, and got positive results.

change it up though! lol i dont know who you are, and i have the exact same set of questions i think, so theres a chance you might be someone i know. just in case, change it up.

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13y ago

The Odone parents both became How_did_Lorenzo's_parents_use_the_scientific_method_to_solve_their_problemout of desperation. First, Lorenzo's parents started by learning all they could about the disease called AdrenoLeukoDystrophy (ALD). The Parents read the available resources and studies on the topic, and even read beyond ALD-specific studies to learn about other experiments. Their proposed hypothesis was that using a modified olive oil would reduce the fats in Lorenzo's blood. They tested it by feeding him the oil at regular intervals. They kept careful notes on the fluctuation of his triglyceride levels. However, it did not work completely, due to the fact after a few months of the trial Lorenzo's triglyceride level maintained the same; probably because his body got used to the oil so there for they had to restart the process and look for another solution. They then realized that there was just one enzyme working on the long chain fatty acids, and that this caused the oil to be ineffective. For the oil to be effective, it had to occupy the short chain fatty acids as well. Through more studying, they found that adding rapeseed oil would occupy the short chain fatty acids as well, because they learned that long chain fatty acid was pulling the short chain fatty acid as well with it and combining the two chains together making it harder for the body to break apart the fatty acids. Once again, they tested and kept close notation on the triglyceride levels. This time, they got the serum correct, and got positive results.

If left untreated, Lorenzo would have died within two years or so, as the myelin on his nerve cells was slowly eaten away.

The medical community resisted their efforts for a few reasons - they were already proceeding (slowly) with research, they did not want amateurs telling them what to do, and as professionals, they needed to adhere to a strict ethical and scientific protocol. The parents' group resisted because they had faith in their doctors, and did not want to give parents a false hope that there was a cure.

The ALD symposium - which the Odone's convened quickly - was held because there was similar research that was not being shared because the people were in different fields. Someone researching ALD in young boys might not ever think to read about the Polish scientist working with rats, but their research was relevant to each other. The symposium was a chance for all these people to come together and share their knowledge, because they might not otherwise ever cross paths.

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