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Q: How did the Chibcha treat their ruler?
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Antonym for Chibcha people?

There is no antonym for the Chibcha people.

Who were the Chibcha?

Chibcha are indigenous people of the eastern cordillera of the Andes of Colombia

What happened to the Chibcha treasure?

Who conquered the chibcha and seized most of their famous treasure

Who were the Chibcha are indigenous people of the eastern cordillera of the Andes of Colombia?

The Chibcha indigenous people were the most highly developed of the Colombians

What was the Chibcha culture known for?


Do A chibcha custom inspired the legend of el dorado or the golden one?

Do a Chibcha custom inspired the legend of El Dorado ''the Golden One''.

Who conquered the Chibcha?

SpanishThe Spanish Explorers.

In one of the early Chibcha rituals the tribal leader is covered with what kind of dust?

In one of the early chibcha rituals the tribal leader is covered with what kind of dust

What is the modern-day city was once a Chibcha town?


What did the Spanish do after conquering the Chibcha culture?

After the Spanish conquistadors defeated the Chibcha culture, they established the colonial rule in the area that is now modern-day Colombia. They imposed their religion (Catholicism) on the Chibcha people and exploited their resources, particularly gold and silver. They also introduced new agricultural practices and established encomiendas, which were labor systems that led to forced labor and the decline of the Chibcha population.

Which group had become the most advanced of the indigenous peoples by the early colonial period?


What was Colombia named after?

One of the leaders of the Chibcha Indians was called Bacatá.