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Darwin's observations supported Lyell's theory of ancient earth undergoing continual change because Darwin theorized that geology and animals evolve the same way. Sir Charles Lyell was a geologist and a British lawyer.

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Fossils show intermediates between very different species. For example, whales were once land dwelling animals. We have fossils of what they were when they were land-dwelling, when they were an animal which lived both in land and in water, and as primitive whales.

We have many examples of human ancestors as intermediates between us and our common ancestor with the other primates of today.

We also have many amazing examples which show how fish became land animals (tiktaalik) and intermediates between dinosaurs and birds (archeopteryx).

There are many other amazing examples linking two seemingly unrelated groups.

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Q: How did the study of fossils help support the idea of evolution?
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Why are fossils important to evolution?

Fossils give a record as to what organisms lived throughout different time periods. Generally speaking, the lower layers of soil show the oldest fossils, which aids scientists in following the progression of evolution of an organism. Also, radioactive carbon dating is used in dating how old a fossil is by finding the amount of carbon^14, and then calculating how many half lives have passed to reach this amount.

Why are fossils studied?

Fossils are used by scientists to determine the where, what, why, when, and how of ancient organisms. Answering these questions will help in determining the environment and climate in which the organisms existed, adaptations made by the organisms to the environment and climate, type and amount of energy requirements of organisms, feeding habits, reproduction techniques, nesting habits, digestion methods, type of respiration, method of locomotion, hunting techniques, timing and cause of extinction events, and the progression of evolution. Fossils are also key indicators of possible fossil fuel deposits which are of great interest to humanity. The study of fossils also leads to discoveries and understanding of Earth's processes which can benefit mankind. Study of the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event eventually led to the hypothesis that a large asteroid impacted Earth. Some astronomers are currently seeking out and cataloging possible impact asteroids in an attempt to predict such a future cataclysm and help in preventing it. == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==

Why do scientist study fossils?

Fossils are used by scientists to determine the where, what, why, when, and how of ancient organisms. Answering these questions will help in determining the environment and climate in which the organisms existed, adaptations made by the organisms to the environment and climate, type and amount of energy requirements of organisms, feeding habits, reproduction techniques, nesting habits, digestion methods, type of respiration, method of locomotion, hunting techniques, timing and cause of extinction events, and the progression of evolution. Fossils are also key indicators of possible fossil fuel deposits which are of great interest to humanity. The study of fossils also leads to discoveries and understanding of Earth's processes which can benefit mankind. Study of the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event eventually led to the hypothesis that a large asteroid impacted Earth. Some astronomers are currently seeking out and cataloging possible impact asteroids in an attempt to predict such a future cataclysm and help in preventing it.

Do fossil records help to date fossils?

Fossil records contain radiation, and the older the fossil is, the less radiation it gives off. Scientists study how much radiation is in the fossil record, and they find out how old the earth is.

Are fossils indirect evidence of evoution?

Fossils are like the clues the police use to solve a crime. Together they paint a picture of the truth - in this case the truth is evolution Each one tells a story. Like clues to a crime, where the police don't have to find a print of every footstep taken by a subject or confirm every thing that he did, the clues paint a logical outline of all the events around the crime. Like clues in a crime the police do not initially identify a person they want to pin the crime on and then seek to tie him to the event - they find a number of clues which identify potential subjects of interest. They then attempt to prove the relation of these suspects to the crime until the trail of evidence is strong and dependable. Usually multiple facts on the same evidence are considered - for a crime it might be fingerprints and video tape and eye witnesses, for fossils it could be carbon 14 and dendrochronology and geologic strata.

Related questions

Why are fossils important to evolution?

Fossils give a record as to what organisms lived throughout different time periods. Generally speaking, the lower layers of soil show the oldest fossils, which aids scientists in following the progression of evolution of an organism. Also, radioactive carbon dating is used in dating how old a fossil is by finding the amount of carbon^14, and then calculating how many half lives have passed to reach this amount.

How do you fossils help a scientist study climatology?

by poopin on there f4c3

How does evolution help scientists?

It gives them something to study.

What are the four area of study that help to explain or prove the theory of evolution?

The four sources of supporting evidence for the theory of evolution are fossils, the development of life forms, changes over life forms over the years and the way in which related species are distributed across the world.

Whtat ways do the fossils help support the hypothesis of continental drift?

what ways do fossils hepl support the hypothesis of the continental drift?ANSWER: fossil plants like glossopteris.

How do fossils help explain the theories of evolution?

Fossils give us a lot of information about species which used to exist on Earth but which are now extinct. With this information we can see in greater detail how species have evolved over time.

How did fossils help support the hypothesis of continental drift?

Some fossils of the same animals where found on different continents. The only way that may happen would be if the continents were attached.

What are the ways fossils help support the hypothesis of continental drift?

Fossils of the same species can be found on continents that are now today separated by oceans. btw continental drift is a fact.

How do fossils help support the theory of continental drift?

A fossil found on one continent can be found on another continent

How do changes in fossils help paleontologists understand evolution?

they don't! Because all the fossilized creatures and creatures alive today were created individualy by Jehovah God.

Why people support tablets computers in school?

it would help them in study

How do paleontologists help with evidence of evolution?

Palaeontologists uncover, examine, categorize and publish about fossils. An important part of what we know of the natural history of life on Earth comes from fossil evidence.