

How do clouds know where to rain?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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16y ago

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This is a good question, though I believe that God directs them, like everything else to where they need to be at any given time. If you want a more scientific answer, the clouds don't plan anything, as they are just water vapor that comes from oceans, lakes, and rivers and the wind blows them and they rip open when they can't hold any more water vapor. The wind keeps the rain distribution at an even pace, as clouds form in one area with that area's water vapor and then move to collect more and more vapor and then rip open somewhere else. It all works out, though mother nature isn't the One who drives the weather, as she can tame the waves or calm the storm.

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16y ago

The temperature of air decreases with increasing altitude at approximately 2 degrees per 1000 feet. (For example, if the temperature at sea level is 80 deegrees F, the temperature at 10,000 feet is approximately 80 - 20 = 60 degrees F) Water vapor in air condenses to form rain as the temperature of the air decreases to the temperature where the water vapor in the air condenses. This temperature, called the "dew point", is the temperature below which water begins to condense and come out as rain. Clouds form where the air temperature equals the dew point for the amount of water vapor in the air. Below this temperature, water vapor condenses to form rain.

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Rain clouds are are rain clouds so stop being dumb...that wasn't the right answer u dumbo.

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