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Both plant cells and animal cells have a nuclues.The nucleus of both plant and animal cells have pores on their double membrane.These pores allow the nucleus to communicate with the outside environment that is the cytoplasm.This can be through sending of substances into the nucleus.For example mRNA.

However there are times when the materials are very big than the pore.In this case energy which is normally ATP combines with the substance to force it to penetrate.

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Q: How do material leave the nucleus?
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What structure in the nucleus contains hereditary material?

A chromosome.

What part of the atom orbits the nucleus?

electrons are negatively charged sub atomic particles which surround the nucleus and never leave their orbit unless and until they are excited by a photon(packet of light)

Why does radioactive parent material break down into daughter material?

A fundamental property of radioactive material is that the atomic nucleus has an unstable configuration. The nucleus of a single atom of such material may break down at any instant, or may never break down at all, but with a large number of atoms in a collection, there is a statistical probability that half of them will break down in a given amount of time, which is known as the "half life" for that radioactive material. Exactly why this should be so is a mystery which cannot be adequately explained, but is observed and accepted as such. A deeper understanding of this phenomenon would probably give us a better insight into the true nature of the universe as a whole.

Why is the nucleus called the 'control centre' of the cell?

The nucleus is like the brain of the cell.The other reason why nucleus is called the control center is that- It has genetic material called DNA which undergo different functions such as replication, transcription, translation i.e. formation of different enzymes and proteins necessary for the development of whole cell Another reason is that-the cell which lac nucleus during abnormal cell division known to be dead cell. Also, the nucleus controls the food that is transported in and out of the cell.

What functions does a cell perform?

Nucleus-the control centre for all activity Nucleoplasm-contains DNA Cytoplasm-cell material outside the nucleus but within the cell membrane Vacuoles-storage for food for the cell Mitochondria-powerhouse of the cell

Related questions

What is the genetic material in the nucleus?

The genetic material is in the nucleus to protect it.

What material contained within the nucleus?

Chromatin material is contained within the nucleus.

Which one can leave the nucleus: DNA or RNA?

RNA can leave the Nucleus.

What part of the cell contains our genetic material?

The nucleus is what contains the genetic material of a cell.

Which organelle transfers the material from nucleus to cytoplasm?


What contains hereditary material of a cell except bacteria?

Hereditary material is held in the nucleus of non-bacterial cells.

The genetic material of an animal cell is found in the?

DNA is the genetic material. It is in chromosomes in nucleus.

How do materials enter and leave the nucleus?

Materials enter and leave the nucleus through the selective membrane. The membrane always controls what leaves and enters the nucleus.

What material is nucleus made of?

the nucleus is made up of protons and neutrons.

What is the material outside the nucleus?

Cytoplasm surrounds the nucleus in each cell.

When genetic material is not contained inside a nucleus what is it called?

Incipient nucleus

What does nucleus contain?

Nucleus contains Nucleolus, Genetic Material, and DNA