

How do you create a cipher?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Unlike a code where words or even whole phrases are replaced with letters or symbols, a cipher is where every individual letter is replaced with either another letter or symbol. That's the basics, but the way you assign your cipher can vary greatly in complexity.

For example, a very basic cipher is the Caesar Cipher where each letter of the alphabet is assigned to the letter three before it e.g A = X, B = Y, C=Z etc

However, you could also chose a phrase or word that does not repeat any letters within it (so the word "hello" would not work because the letter "l" is repeated twice). Then write it out followed by the rest of the letters not included in the phrase or word. Split this into two rows of thirteen letters as shown below and each letter is assigned to the one above or below it.

Using the phrase "cup of tea" we get:

c u p o f t e a b d g h i

j k l m n q r s v w x y z

And so if I wanted to say "My hovercraft is full of eels" for example, it would translate as "Oh ymbrejesnq za nkpp mn rrpa". The only problem with a cipher is that by looking at which letter occur more often than others, someone can start to work out what you have done. In the above sentence the "rr" could easily be guessed to be "ee" for example.

Well I hope that was of some help :)

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