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With difficulty, depending upon the state of decomposition and decay of the fingers and thumbs.

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Q: How do you fingerprint a decoposed body from water?
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What is a fingerprint mainly composed of?

water, salt, and organic compounds

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How do you get the fingerprint from director d?

you have to become a cook and then go out and get his water glass

Are a DNA fingerprint and a genetic fingerprint the same?

no its classed as a making of your body for people such as police or crime scene investigators

Why is DNA reffered to as a genetic fingerprint?

It contains the blueprint for your body, and is unique to every individual

Can they get your fingerprints of a knife that was in the water?

The answer is yes. Fingerprint are left by the oil on your skin, and are therefore water resistant, at least for a while.

What does our body contain that is approximately 100?

The closest is the number of fingerprint ridges on the index finger of one hand.

Why is fingerprint better than iodine?

fingerprint spray is better than iodine because iodine can smudge the fingerprint but the fingerprint makes it clear.

What is the methodology used for lifting a fingerprint from a metal object that has been submerged in water?

Small Particle Reagent This liquid is used on objects that have been submerged in water. A fingerprint can still be developed even after being exposed to the elements, given the right conditions.

How does the fingerprint reader work?

The fingerprint reader is a security feature that takes your fingerprint and stores it for sign on.

Why is fingerprint spray better than iodine?

fingerprint spray is better than iodine because iodine can smudge the fingerprint but the fingerprint makes it clear.

How do you get a water for the chief of bad on spy island in the game poptropica?

you don't have to. you just need the fingerprint.