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A plant get it's food from it root. It's roots absorbs all the nutrients from the ground. by the roots and stem.

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Q: How does a plant get its food?
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It gets food from the sun

What is the food of a plant?

CHROLLOPHYL-is the food of the plant

Where does a plant make its food?

the leaves make the plant's foodA plant makes it food in its vacuole

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Where do plant make food?

the part of the plant that makes food is the leaves then it travals through out the plant.

What is the plant's source of food?

Minerals in the soil are the food source of the plant.

Where is most of a plants food made?

Food for plant is produced in chloroplasts.Photosynthesis produces food for plant.

Where do plant cells make food?

the part of the plant that makes food is the leaves then it travals through out the plant.

What do chloroplast do in a plant?

They are photosynthetic sites. They produce food for plant