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Heat convection occurs when bulk flow of a fluid (gas or liquid) carries heat along with the flow of matter in the fluid. The flow of fluid may be forced by external processes, or sometimes (in gravitational fields) by buoyancy forces caused when thermal energy expands the fluid (for example in a fire plume), thus influencing its own transfer. The latter process is sometimes called "natural convection". All convective processes also move heat partly by diffusion, as well. Another form of convection is forced convection. In this case the fluid is forced to flow by use of a pump, fan or other mechanical mean

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Heat can travel in 3 ways: conduction, convection, and radiation.

If the air or fluid are sufficiently transparent and the difference in temperatures big enough, radiation can be a significant mode of heat transfer.

Because gases and liquids can move around, natural convection and forced convection can also produce significant heat transfer as warmer air or fluid is moved around to bring it into contact with cooler air or fluid. Natural convection occurs when the difference in density between the warmer material (less dense) and the cooler material (more dense) allows buoyant forces to cause the warmer material to rise and the cooler material to sink, moving the fluids around and mixing. Forced convection occurs with fans, pumps, or other means of forcing mixing of the materials.

Heat can also transfer through air or liquids via conduction, but it is not nearly as easy in air since it is not very dense. A lot of methods of insulation take advantage of the poor thermal conductivity of air to help insulate things by creating lots of small air pockets between the hot and cold surfaces.

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Q: How does heat travel through a fluid?
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What heat transfer can travel through a fluid?

Heat can transfer through a fluid by conduction and/or convection (with convection being the most efficient). If the fluid is a gas then heat can also transfer through it by radiation (but this does not work in liquid fluids).

Difference between radiation and convection?

Radiation is when heat is transferred from one thing to another via electromagnetic waves like infrared. It can travel through a vacuum. Convection is when a fluid is heated from the bottom and rises, leaving colder fluid behind to be heated etc creating currents. The thing you are trying to heat has to be in contact with the heat source- it doesn't work through a vacuum.

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Some, but not all. Some materials are insulators- heat does not travel well through them.

Can heat travel through space where there is no air?

It depends on how you want to look at it. heat can only be transferred three ways: Convection, which is transferring heat through a fluid, Conduction, which is transfer of heat through a solid, and by radiation, which is emitted light in the infrared wavelengths. radiation can travel through space just fine, but convection and conduction are right out if there isn't anything that can be heated up. Radiation doesn't require a medium, and can thus transfer heat through a vacuum.

What three ways can heat travel through substances?

Conduction - Process of heat transfer through a medium or material without any movement of the medium or material. Convection - transfer of heat from one place to another through the movement of fluids. A fluid with a given density rises within a fluid of greater density and sinks within in a fluid of smaller density. Radiation - transfer of heat, in the form of waves from one place to another without a medium.

Convection is the transfer of heat through what?

Convection is "the transfer of heat through the motion of molecules in a fluid."

How does heat travel throughteach state of matter?

Heat travels through waves of insulation through metals and other materials. The only metals that heat does not travel through are aluminum and nickel.

What materials do not let heat travel through are called?

Insulators- do not let heat through

Can heat travel through water?

heat may be able to go through water..................................

Can heat travel through a vaccume by radiation only?

Rradiation is the only way that heat can travel in a vacuum.

Does heat travel through empty space by conduction?

No, there can't be conduction in empty space. Heat may travel through empty space through radiation, though.

Does heat travel through water?

Yes it can