

How does one barrel weight?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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A standard barrel (Drum) is 55 gallons, therefore if the barrel is full of water it would weigh 440 pounds. An oil barrel is smaller and holds only 40 gallons and weigh apx 280 lbs as petroleum is lighter than water

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15y ago
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Q: How does one barrel weight?
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55 gallons and the weight will vary from 660 lbs to just under 700 lbs not including the weight of the barrel. Honey is sold by weight. One gallon will weigh a little over 12 lbs. The barrels are steel with a weight of 40 lbs. When you purchase a barrel, you will have the weight of the honey then a tare weight of 40 lbs. The total weight of the barrel will be over 700 lbs.

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To find the number of gallons in the barrel, divide the total weight of the water in the barrel by the weight of one gallon of water: 381.8 pounds / 8.3 pounds/gallon = 46 gallons.

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->Take one ball from barrel one, two from barrel two, three from barrel three, etc. Weigh the balls. The number of ounces over 55 ounces will indicate which barrel has the heavier balls. If the weight is 60 ounces, barrel 5 has the heavier ones.

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To find the total weight of the fluid, first calculate the weight of one barrel of fluid: 1 barrel of fluid weighs 19.2 pounds per gallon (ppg) 1 barrel contains 42 gallons (standard for oil barrels) So, 1 barrel weighs 19.2 x 42 = 806.4 pounds To find the total weight of 100 barrels, multiply the weight of one barrel (806.4 pounds) by 100: 806.4 pounds/barrel x 100 barrels = 80640 pounds Therefore, the weight of 100 barrels of 19.2ppg fluid is 80640 pounds.

Weight barrel of oil?


When calculating the weight of a load to be lifted with a barrel clamp you should?

When calculating the weight of a load to be lifted with a barrel clamp, you should consider the weight of the barrel itself, the contents of the barrel, and any additional attachments or accessories. It is important to ensure that the barrel clamp and lifting equipment are rated for the total weight of the load to prevent accidents or damage. Always follow the manufacturer's guidelines and recommendations for safe lifting practices.

And empty barrel weighs 9 kg what can you put in the barrel to make it weight 8 kg?

You could put a 1 kg weight inside the barrel to make it weigh 8 kg.

What can not be seen weighs nothing but when put in a barrel makes it lighter?

A hole. A hole cannot be seen, weighs nothing, and when added to a barrel, it reduces the weight of the barrel without adding any weight itself.

Does recoil increase with a shorter shotgun barrel?

Weight is what affects recoil. Cut the barrel, reduce the weight, recoil will increase if all else is equal.

What is the best weight ammo for 40 caliber with 3.25 inch barrel?

It depends on what you are using it for and which one groups best.