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If the color on the background is darker it is more likely to absorb the heat. If it is lighter it repels the light or absorbs less. Also, concrete slabs, brick walls and tile floors absorb the heat. Ever notice when you are walking on the sidewalk in the summer with no shoes its always burning hot?

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Q: How does the color of the background affect its absorption of solar insolation?
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Why can color affect heating by absorption of light?

the darker the color, the more attraction to sunlight so the object heats up faster

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light colors are lightss becos the reflect more profdoff PHD scientist

Does the color of an object affect its absorption of heat?

plesse for the 5 hellen time can some one help mee

Does color affect the absorption of heat and how?

yes color affects the absorption of heat and how it does that is the darker the liquid the more energy it absorbs and the less energy it reflects This is not just specific to liquids. Any matter that is darker than pure white absorbs heat.

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The color of the water dont affect its evaporation because the water it self its uncolored.

What CSS property specifies the background color of a table?

Use the CSS declaration "background-color" For instance... <style type="text/css"> body { background-color: red; } </style> That code will change the background color to red. Background color will take the same values for a color as all other CSS color. A named color keyword, a hex RGB value, a decimal RGB value, and a decimal RGBA value.

Why can ammonia change a flower's color through a flower's pigment?

ammonia can change the soils pH (acidity level) which can affect the formation of plant pigments or the absorption of elements

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The background color would be a hex number like #eeeeee or the title of the color like lightslateblue p{ background: #/name }

Can you set background color using font tag?

<font style="background-color: red;">this text will have a red background</font>

What is bgcolor?

bg color is the abbreviation of background color there is a command used in HTML which set the background color which u want

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Does the background color of a fish bowl effect the fishes' activity level?

Depends on the type of fish. Some prefer darker environments, and will be distressed by an overly bright tank, such as one with no plant cover, and a reflective material as the background. Aggressive fishes may become more aggressive if there is a reflective background: they see their reflection as a rival fish. In general, no, background color doesn't affect behavior.