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by aerobic respiration if oxygen is present, also capable of switching to fermentation

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Q: How does vibrio cholerae obtains its energy?
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Is vibrio cholerae a bacterium organism?

Yes, Vibrio Cholerae is a bacterium organism that is not good for you.

What does vibrio cholerae eat?

vibrio cholerae feed on host i.e the human being

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What is characteristic of vibrio cholerae?

it is comma shaped

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What is the Latin name of Cholera?

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What is the scientific name for Cholera?

The scientific name for Cholera is Vibrio cholerae.

What is the bacteria in Cholera?

The bacterium that causes Cholera is called Vibrio cholerae.

Where can one find out more about Vibrio cholerae?

Vibrio cholerae is a kind of bacteria. Science journals or websites such as Wikipedia can provide detailed explanation of what exactly this organism is and what it does.