

How is biomass renewed?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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9y ago

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Biomass is renewable only if the vegetation it is burning is renewable!

Biomass fuel is really any kind of vegetation that is burnt to produce electricity. Ideally this is residue from other crops, like the remains of sugar cane (bagasse) after they crush out the sugar juice. All these crops can grow quickly, in one season, so they are renewable. We can always grow more.

Since biomass can be renewed in a shorter amount of time, and it doesn't get used up faster than it can be renewed, it is called "renewable".

Biomass is used to make biofuels:

  • Ethanol
  • Biodiesel

Biomass is a renewable energy source because it is used over and over again.

Biomass is renewable because plants turn inorganic things into biomass and when we burn it, it turns back to inorganic things, which can then be turned into biomass again.

Because vegetation can be burnt and then grow again. renewable!

because it is waste and people and animals are inexhaustible

Because they can grow crops and wood if they are replanted.

Biomass is renewable because the sources used are regenerative. It is made of such things as living and recently living organisms like plants, forest residue such as fallen trees, yard clippings, garbage, and other organic materials. The materials are all ones that will not run out, making them renewable.

Biomass is considered a renewable energy source because we can always make more of it. Biomass comes from trees and waste, which can easily be grown or created.

Biomass Energy is considered renewable due to the fact that we can regrow it in a small amount of time. Take wood for example, it is considered biomass because it was once a living organism. It takes from 30 to hundreds of years for trees to grow fully. While that may seem like a long time, compare it to what we use now, fossil fuels. The length of the process for creating oil can take up to hundreds of thousands of years. In my opinion, I would rather wait fifty or so years, rather than a few hundred thousand.

Biomass is a renewable energy source because we can always grow more trees and crops, and waste will always exist.

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Biomass is plant matter containing stored solar energy. Biomass derives from plant material, vegetation, agricultural waste, or wood processing by product so it can always be renewed

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