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Among scientists the theory of evolution is well accepted. Among some religious ideologues, not so much. But how one " views " the theory of evolution by natural selection has nothing to do with the veracity of the theory.

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It allows us to understand how the diversity of organisms we see arose, and how and why they are so well adapted to their environments and complex. It sheds light on the questions of who we are, and how we got here.

More importantly, it has applications in agriculture through selective breeding. For example, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and many other vegetables are all actually selectively bred from one species of plant. Roses are selectively bred from wild roses, which look nothing like the ones we are familiar with. Different subspecies of dogs were selectively bred from wolves.

Medically, evolution gave us the understanding how strains of viruses evolve immunities to vaccines, and how they originated.

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continues to be tested and modified. cannot explain gaps in the fossil record.

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12y ago

Evolutions true pokemon proved it!

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This theory is known as the theory of evolution, which states that living organisms have descended and diversified over time from common ancestors through the process of natural selection and genetic mutation.

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Evolution is an observed and observable fact. The theory of evolution by natural selection explains many things about evolution. The theory generates testable hypothesis, as any good theory does. Remember, theory is the highest concept in science.

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Charles Darwin is attributed with the theory of evolution. He initially applied it to plants and animals, but later others extended it to include humans (something that went against church doctrine).

How many people believe in the theory of evolution?

When the evolutionary theory was first proposed, people didn't believe it. Often, religion and evolution contradict themselves and even today, there are many people who favor creationism over evolution.

Complete history of a theory of evolution?

There are many books that describe the theory of evolution. For example, there is a book called Evolution: The Remarkable History of a Scientific Theory.

Darwin claimed that new species emerged over time due to changes in response to different environments. Today this is known as the theory of .?

this is known as the theory of evolution!

Darwin claimed that new species emerged over time due to changes in response to different environments Today this is known as the theory of?

this is known as the theory of evolution!