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Slightly less than 3/4 of a mile (0.6816442 miles).

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Q: How many miles deep is a hole that is 1097 meters?
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How much dirt is in a hole 4 meters deep and 2 meters wide?

A hole does not have dirt!

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The "Great Blue Hole" is 124 metres in depth .

How much dirt is in a hole that is 4 meters long 2 meters wide and 1 meters deep?


How many cubic meters of dirt are in a hole 2 meters wide by 2 meters long by 2 meters deep?

None, All the dirt has been removed from the hole.

How many Cubic meters of dirt are in a hole 6 meters long 2 meters wide and one meter deep?

None. It's a HOLE.

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How much soil is there in a circular hole 2 meters deep and 1 meter across?

None. A hole is the absence of the material.

How much earth is there in a hole that is 5 meters long 2 meters wide and 15 meters deep?

Well there's hardly any earth in a hole... if you do it properly. Trick question out of the way, if the hole was filled in, it would take 150m3 of dirt

If it takes a man 1 hr to dig a hole 2 meters long 2 meters wide and 2 meters deep how long would it take him to dig a hole 4 meters long wide and deep assuming he digs at the same rate of speed?

2 hours. Because is it takes him 1 hour to dig a hole half the size of what hes going to dig then u have to add another hour to dig 2 more meters long 2 more meters wide and 2 more meters deep.

How many cubic meters of soil are there in a hole that measures 18 meters wide and 5 meters deep?

there is Zero cubic meters of soil in the hole, after all if there was any soil in the hol eit wouldn't be hole, now would it?? To answer your question, you must also know the length of the hole, them multiply all of the measurements together to find the cubic space of the hole.

If it takes a man 1 hour to dig a hole 2 meters long 2 meters wide and 2 meters deep how long would it take the same man to dig a hole 4 meters long 4 meters wide and 4 met deep at same rate of speed?

About 2 hours if possible. All you have to do is double everything including the time limit. I disagree. A hole with dimensions of all 2 meters is 8 cubic meters. A whole with all dimensions 4 meters is 64 cubic meters. You aren't just doubling the hole. Yes, you are going twice as deep, but you are also making it a bigger hole. If it took you one hour to dig 8 cubic meters, how many hours will it take you to dig 64 cubic meters? That would be 8 hours.

What is plasma like?

It is a bolt that can make a hole in the earth about 20 meters deep and can power a hole city for 24 hrs.Very deadly do not play with.