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1 meter = 1000 millimeter

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Q: How many millilimeters are in a meter?
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How many millilimeters are in a cm?


Does 30 meters equal 30 millilimeters?

No. A millimeter is 1/1000th of a meter. That means there are 1,000 millimeters in a meter. There would be 30 times 1,000 millimeters in 30 meters, and that's 30,000 millimeters.

How many millilimeters go into 4.75 meters?

4.75 meters is equivalent to 4750 mm.

What is 1.2 l- 200 millilimeters?

It is 1 litre.

What is bigger 5 centmeters or 60 millilimeters?

60 millimeters

How many millilimeters would it take to fill a three and a half liter container?

It would take 3,500 ml.

How many cetemeters are in a meter?

How many cetimeters are in a meter? Answer: There are 100 centimeters in a meter.

How many milllimeters in a meter?

How many millimeters are in a meter? There are 1000 millimeters in a meter.

Meter is how many meters?

A meter is one meter.

How many meters are in meter?

There is one meter in a meter...

1.5 liters of water in millilimeters is?

Remember K H D | d c m (kilo, hecto, deka, (liter, meter, gram), deci, centi, milli). Milliliters are three places to the right of liters. So you have to move the decimal place three times to the right. You will get 1.5 L = 1,500 mL.

How many meter equal to square meter?

1x1 meter is a square meter.