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This depends on the weight of the rocket, weight being the mass of the rocket multiplied by earth's gravitational pull. To take off, the rocket needs to exert force larger than the weight, and for a sufficient amount of time to break out of orbit. For instance, if the rocket had a mass of 1kg, it'd exert (1 * 9.8), or 9.8 Newtons of force towards to ground via it's weight (9.8 being the acceleration towards the ground due to gravity). This means that to start to accelerate away from the ground, the rocket would need to exert force higher than 9.8 Newtons. If your hypothetical rocket has a mass of x kg, then it will need to exert a force greater than 9.8x newtons, ignoring air resistance and decaying of the gravitational field.

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Q: How many newtons of force does a rocket need to take off?
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How does a rocket work with refrence to Newton's laws of motion?

It works quite well. Here's how. 1. The rocket won't move until the engines are fired. That's the law of inertia. It's at rest, and it remains at rest until it's acted upon by an outside force. The opposite is true, too. If a body is in motion, it wants to remain in motion unless it's acted on by an outside force. 2. When the rocket motors are fired, the rocket takes off. It accelerates, and that's the law of acceleration. Force = mass x acceleration. The more mass it has for a given thrust, the less acceleration it has. The more thrust it has for a given mass, the more it accelerates. 3. The rocket motors inject hydrogen and oxygen (typical NASA "big rocket" fuel) into the throat of the motor where it burns quickly and hotly. Superheated combusted gas is rushing out the exhaust nozzle with tremendous force, and an opposite force is generated. That opposite force causes the rocket to be accelerated up (since the nozzles are pointed down). For each reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction, Newton's third law. Need a link? You got one to our friends at Wikipedia, where knowledge is free.

Why do we measure in Newton's?

The units chosen relate directly to Newton's Second Law, F=ma (force = mass x acceleration). Mass is measured in kilograms, acceleration in meters/second2, so the unit for force is naturally the product of these. This unit has been given the special name "Newton". One newton is the force required to accelerate a mass of 1 kilogram at a rate of 1 meter/second every second.

What is the force of an object with a mass of 65 kg and an an unknown acceleration?

Force is calculated by Newton's second law, F=ma. So the Force is the acceleration of the object multiplied by the mass. In this case you need an acceleration to find the answer. If, say you wanted the force that gravity has on the object, it would be F=mass*acceleration due to gravity. Here, F=65kg*9.81m/s= 637 Newtons

A set of pulleys is used to lift a piano weighing 1000 newtons the piano is lifted?

You need to know the capacity of the pulleys. The pulleys need a total power of over 1000 newtons, if they do then you should be fine.

Does the thrust of a rocket need to be created by an explosion?

no, the thrust of a rocket relies on the trajectory of the rockets tilt and overall slanted angle. The rocket is sent via a useful queef, that blasts the rocket from the platform

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What thrust does a 190 gram model rocket need in order to have a vertical acceleration of 11.0 meters per second squared on earth?

F = m Am = 0.19A = 11F = (0.19) x (11) = 2.09 newtons upwardBut there is another force on the rocket = (m g) = (0.19) x (9.8) = 1.862 newtons downward.The engine also has to cancel this force.Total engine thrust required = (2.09 + 1.862) = 3.952 newtons.

What force is need for a rocket to enter the earth?


How much force is needed to push a force of 100 newtons back?

Also 100 newtons. Actually, that would only hold it in place - to push it back, you would need slightly more than 100 newtons.

Does mass need to be changed to newtons to find the acceleration?

Mass can't be changed to newtons. The newton is a unit of force, not mass.In order to find the acceleration, you need to know the mass and the force.Then, the acceleration is (force) divided by (mass).

Which one of newtons laws allows a rocket to function in space?

A rocket launching into space is a classic example of Newton's Third Law. The other two apply, but it is because of Newton's Third law that a rocket can launch into space. When the rocket engines fire, large amounts of gas escapes from the nozzle at high speed. This requires signifigant force to launch these gasses. Since Newton's Third Law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, we know that the gas pushes back up on the rocket with just as much force as the rocket pushes down on the gas. This force launches the rocket into space.It's also shows Newtons law number 1."An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force. An object in motion continues in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force."If you don't ignite the rocket motor (The unbalanced force), nothing happens.The rocket pushes into the ground at -9.81 metres per second and the Earth Pushes up at +9.81 metres per second. When you ignite the rocket this stable force becomes unbalanced by the thrust produced by the rocket motor and if the motor thrust exceeds the mass of the rocket the rocket will rise.And number 2..."Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass (of the object being accelerated) the greater the amount of force needed (to accelerate the object)."Fuel, mass and thrust falls into this category. The heavier the rocket is the more thust you need the bigger or more efficient the engine needs to be and the more fuel you will need to provide the thrust.And number three you already know about but for completeness."For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action."The rocket ejects high speed gases down, therefore the rocket goes up.

In tug of war you pull on a rope with 3 newtons and your friend on your side pulls on the rope with 8 newtons What is the force the other team will have to overcome to win?

The force the other team will have to overcome to win is the sum of the forces exerted by you and your friend, which is 3 newtons + 8 newtons = 11 newtons. So, the other team will have to exert a force greater than 11 newtons to win the tug of war.

A force can be measured by using?

In order to accurately measure force, you will need to understand the relationship between force, mass and acceleration. You will need to measure the mass, acceleration and then multiply the mass by the acceleration to find the force.

How many newtons are needed to lift a 2 liter bottle of water?

If you and the bottle are anywhere near the Earth's surface, AND there's no other force working against you, AND the bottle itself weighs zero and you only have to lift the water, then you need to lift it with any force greater than roughly 19.6 newtons.

How will newtons first law affect your moues trap car?

In order to move the car, you will need to introduce an unbalanced force.

What is the force you need to use in order to lift a mass of 40kilogram?

-- If the 40 kilogram mass is on the Earth, you need about 392 newtons (88.2 pounds).-- If the same mass is on the moon, you need about 64.9 newtons (14.6 pounds).-- If it's inside a space ship with you and your ship is coasting, then you canlift it with ANY force, no matter how large or small. In fact, after you lift it, you'llneed to apply force in the opposite direction in order to make it stop lifting.

How much pressure is required to lift one ton?

Assuming you need a metric ton, that's 1000 kilograms. To lift that, you need a FORCE of 9800 newtons. Force is related to pressure by: pressure = force / area, so the answer to the original question would depend, over what area the force is applied.

How does a rocket turn in if there is no air resistance in space . What does it push against. What resists the thrust?

There is no need for air resistance, nor does the thrust need to push against anything. The energy of firing a rocket pushes the exhaust gasses out and, in accordance with Newton's Third Law, the gasses push back on the rocket with the same amount of force, but in the opposite direction. By firing gas jets or rockets that are not aligned with the center of mass, that force exerts torque, which allows a rocket to turn.