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Q: If a guy put sperm on you and it wasnt in your vingina and you still got your period a week after can you still be pregnant?
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Would a woman be pregnant if she had her period for a day?

if you bleed when you are pregnant it doesn't necessarily mean its your period or you have had a miss carriage. a lot of women bleed during pregnancy so you will still be pregnant if it doesn't hurt x

If the condom broke and his sperm went in you and you still feel wet a day later is there a chance of being pregnant?

If semen came into contact with the vagina, there is always the chance that you may become pregnant. A sensation of wetness makes no difference whatsoever.

If I had unprotected sex on the day I was already a week late for my period but now 7 days later I still havent gotten my period what are the chances I'm pregnant?

50/100 or 40/100

What time is very dangerous to make sex in if you do not want to get pregnant?

Well sperm can survive up to 72 hours in the vagina. So 3-4 days before your menstrual cycle to 3-4 days after the bleeding stops is when the female is most fertile. The best way to find this out is to go to a drugstore a get a ovulation kit to test the female when her ovulation is at the highest. On those days it would be the safest to avoid sex. If you do not wish to become pregnant, you have two options; abstinence, or birth control. If you do not use some type protection, you will be at risk of becoming pregnant no matter what time you engage in sexual intercourse. Contrary to popular belief, women can even get pregnant on their period. While not likely, it is still possible. In addition, using a condom will better protect you from contracting STDs.

If you had a two day period could you still be pregnant?

simple answer is yes. i did and i was! during an ultrasound scan i was told that the blleding was due to a retro plaecental bleed, which is where a pocket of blood is trapped behind the placenta and drains away on its own. i bled for 2to3 days.

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If a girl period on can she get pregnant?

Yes, it is not as common to get pregnant while on your period, but you still can get pregnant. Sperm can live inside a women for a few days and it is definitely possible.

Can you be pregnant and still have a piered?

A Period is a cycle for woman to reproduce a brand new egg for fertilization of sperm. The Answer is No, that is a main sign that a woman can be pregnant is if she misses a period.

Can I get pregnant if I am on my period and I have a tampon in me and he doesn't ejaculate but he rubs his penis by my vagina but not quite on it?

No ejaculation means no sperm, you can't get pregnant, unless he masturbated just before and still had sperm on his penis.

Your partner can use the sperm which you left in condoms to get pregnant?

Yes. It is still viable sperm and can still get people pregnant if they try.

Can you still be pregnant and your period come on and still feel pregnant?

Typically if you get your period you are not pregnant.

Is it possible to be pregnant if you currently have a period?

Yup. If you have sex during a period (which is nasty) sperm can live in your body for 8 days. So after your period is over, the sperm may still be alive and able to reach its destination. But if youre saying that you've previously had sex, and now experiencing a period, then I don't think you would be pregnant.

Can you not get pregnant when sperm is yellow?

Semen can be yellowish and still be normal so you can still get pregnant.

If you are pregnant and have your period will you still get cramps?

If you are pregnant you will not have your period

Can you have a period after becoming pregnant?

yes you can. It could still be in the cycle one or two more times even after the sperm has reached the egg.

Can you still get pregnant if your partner has lumpy sperm with jelly like things in it?

probally, its still sperm.

If sperm gets inside the butt or the throat can you still become pregnant?

Sperm has to come in contact with your vagina to get pregnant.

Can a girl leave sperm in her mouth then put it in her and get pregnant?

Yes, if the sperm is still alive there is the possible chance she can get pregnant.