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3.14 also known as three hundred cause it if iw as funy

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Q: If a rectangular painting has a width of x centimeters and has a area of x exponent 2 50x cm exponent 2 What would a binomial be that represent the length?
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What is a binomial that represents the length of a a rectangular painting with a width of x centimeters has an area of x exponent 2 50x square centimeters?


How do you use an exponent to represent a number such as 16?

How do you use an exponent to represent a number such as 16

Explain cubic binomial quadratic trinomial and linear binomial?

Binomials are algebraic equations with two different terms. Trinomials are algebraic equations with three different terms. For example, w^2 + 7w + 7 would be a trinomial because there are three terms in it and you can't simplify it any further. w + 7w would not be a binomial because you could still simplify it to be 8w, which is a monomial. w + 7 would be a binomial because there are two terms in it and you can't simplify it any further. Monomials have one term, binomials have two, trinomials three, and four terms and on are called polynomials. A linear binomial would be a binomial in which the highest exponent, or power, is one. For example, x + 2. A quadratic trinomial is a trinomial in which the highest exponent or power is two, or the second power. For example, w^2 + 7w + 8. A cubic binomial is a binomial in which the highest exponent or power is 3. For example, 7w^3 + x^2. Since three is larger than two, it is the highest power and the equation is a cubic binomial. Equations to the fourth power and on are simply called fourth degree, fifth degree, and so forth. For example, fourth degree binomial, sixth degree trinomial, and fifth degree monomial. To sum it up, Monomial = one term Binomial = two terms Trinomial = three terms Polynomial = +4 terms Linear = 1 is the highest power/exponent Quadratic = 2 is the highest power/exponent Cubic = 3 is the highest power/exponent Fourth degree, fifth degree, sixth degree, etc. = the highest power/exponent is four or larger.

The expansion of a binomial that involves a coefficient found by combinations. The expansion will contain the same number of terms as the exponent of the original binomial. For each term the exponents?

Not true. The expansion will have one more term.

Numbers written using exponents that represent repeated multiplication?

powers, or exponent

Why do you have negative exponents?

Negative exponents are used to represent 1 divided by an a base to a specific exponent.

What is the LCM of a3b2 and a2b5?

The answer is a^2b^2, because the smallest exponent of the a's is 2 and the same thing with the b's. Therefore, that's the LCM (or least common multiple), because it is the smallest value the two terms share with one another. **When writing an exponent on a computer, you use a carrot (^) to represent the exponent.

What is the smallest raised number in a power that tells how many times the base is used as a factor?

The exponent.

How do you represent the prime factorization 2 exponent 2 11 exponent 213?

2 x 2 x 11 x 11 x 13 = 6292 2^2 x 11^2 x 13 = 6292

What is the exponent if an exponent is not given?

if there is no exponent shown, then the exponent is 1. ex: 41

Why is 3 read as cubed when used as an exponent?

Volume is often measured in "cubic" units. That is to say a cube of a given size. e.g cubic centimeters, cubic feet. To calculate the volume of a rectangular prism, you would multiply length x witdth x height. If the length, width, and height are equal, you would multiply that value by itself twice. e.g. 2 x 2 x 2. This expression can also be written with an exponent of 3 (23) or 2 cubed. The same logic applies to an exponent of 2 used in expressions of area (length x width.) If length and width are equal, it is a square, hence "square feet" or ft2.

How are floating point numbers handled as binary numbers?

Floating point numbers are typically stored as numbers in scientific notation, but in base 2. A certain number of bits represent the mantissa, other bits represent the exponent. - This is a highly simplified explanation; there are several complications in the IEEE floating point format (or other similar formats).Floating point numbers are typically stored as numbers in scientific notation, but in base 2. A certain number of bits represent the mantissa, other bits represent the exponent. - This is a highly simplified explanation; there are several complications in the IEEE floating point format (or other similar formats).Floating point numbers are typically stored as numbers in scientific notation, but in base 2. A certain number of bits represent the mantissa, other bits represent the exponent. - This is a highly simplified explanation; there are several complications in the IEEE floating point format (or other similar formats).Floating point numbers are typically stored as numbers in scientific notation, but in base 2. A certain number of bits represent the mantissa, other bits represent the exponent. - This is a highly simplified explanation; there are several complications in the IEEE floating point format (or other similar formats).