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Not necessarily, since the experiment may give important insight into how things work. One of the most interesting examples of this is the "failed" Michelson-Morley experiment, which failed to produce the expected result of different speeds (for a ray of light), expected due to the movement of Earth through a hypothetical "ether". This eventually led to the Theory of Relativity.

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No, because you can go back and try again with a different hypothesis.

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Q: If the results of a study do not support the hypothesis does that mean that the experiment has failed?
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What does it mean if the experiment does not support a hypothesis?

no because the hypothesis is a guess to try and predict of what the conclusion is going to be, and it dosent matter if it dosent support the conclusion the experiment is still right

In response to peer review a scientific journal might choose not to publish a paper submitted by a scientist. Which of the following is a reason why a paper might be rejected for publication?

Apex.The experimental results failed to support the conclusion.

Why is it important for scientists to do repeated trials when doing an experiment?

Scientists, like everyone else, are imperfect. You cannot be absolutely sure that you have not made a mistake or overlooked something when you do an experiment, but if you do it several times and get the same result, then you can be more confident that you did it correctly. If you do it several times and get different results, that is a clue that tells you that there is something about the experiment that you have failed to understand.

Explain the difference between a hypothesis and a theory?

A very complicated question but to pare it down: An hypothesis is a preliminary answer to a scientific question but is one which needs testing. A theory is an hypothesis that has withstood numerous tests and has not failed.

Could an experiment that fails to achieve predicted results ever be considered a success?

Absolutely Analyzing the data from your failed experiment, allows to form some new theories and draw conclusions to move forward into your next bit of research. This failure, so to speak, can be used as the impetus for your next adventure in discovery. The answer is just around the corner.

Related questions

What would a scientists next steps be if his or her data failed to support his or her hypothesis?

Discard or change the hypothesis

What would a scientist next steps be if his or her data failed to support his or her hypothesis?

Discard or change the hypothesis

What does it mean if the experiment does not support a hypothesis?

no because the hypothesis is a guess to try and predict of what the conclusion is going to be, and it dosent matter if it dosent support the conclusion the experiment is still right

What would a scientist's next steps be if his or her data failed to support his or her hypothesis?

The scientist could reevaluate the hypothesis, consider alternate explanations for the results, or modify the experimental design to address potential limitations. It is also important to replicate the study to confirm the findings and consult with colleagues for insights.

In response to peer review a scientific journal might choose not to publish a paper submitted by a scientist. Which of the following is a reason why a paper might be rejected for publication?

Apex.The experimental results failed to support the conclusion.

Why do scientist use control groups in experiments?

Because it helps them know the results of the objects in the experiment and how they differ. This way the scientist knows which succeeded and which failed.

What would a scientists next steps be if hisher data failed to support hisher hypothesis?

The scientist may review their methodology to identify potential errors or biases that may have affected the results. They may also consider conducting additional experiments or collecting more data to confirm the findings. Finally, they might revise the hypothesis or develop a new one based on the data.

Why scientists rejected wegener's hypothesis of continental drift?

Scientist rejected Wegners hypothesis of continental drift at first because he did not have enogh evidence to support his theory. He failed to provide a suitable mechanism that could cause the continents to move.

Was the US a failed experiment after the civil war?


What was a great discovery that came from a failed experiment?


Is chupacabra from hell?

No, it has said to be a failed experiment is what i heard

What is a hypothesis that does not explain an observation?

When you are using the scientific method, you would try to imagine a hypothesis which explains an observation, but you might not succeed. A hypothesis that does not explain an observation would be considered a failed hypothesis. You would then need to invent a different hypothesis.