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All liquids and and gases have pressure. Pressure is also a force but does not depend on area it acts. Pressure is arising from its own weight. The molecules in liquids and solids areattracted downward due to earth's mass(gravitational force). The impact of this gravitational force per unit area is the pressure. if there is a liquid or gas there must be pressure. the magnitude of pressure inside a plastic bottle depends on the weight of the air in it.

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Q: If there is pressure on the inside and outside of a plastic bottle what is causing the force?
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Why does an empty sealed bottle collapse with altitude?

Actually, an empty sealed bottle should expand slightly as altitude increases. At the altitude where the bottle is sealed, the air pressure outside the bottle is equal to the air pressure inside the bottle. When the bottle is transported to a higher altitude, the air pressure inside the bottle is greater than the air pressure outside the bottle (In other words: There are more air molecules per unit volume inside the bottle than outside). The increased air pressure inside the bottle relative to the outside pressure causes the bottle to expand slightly. An empty bottle would not collapse as altitude increases.

Why when the air is sucked out a bottle it collapses?

When an empty plastic bottle is left open to the atmosphere the air pressure outside and inside the bottle are in equilibrium (does not always mean they are equal, but in this case they are equal). This means that whatever force exerted by the atmosphere on the outside of the bottle is balanced by a force from the inside of the bottle. When one sucks the air out of the bottle one removes the source of pressure and forces within the bottle. The pressure differential between air outside and inside bottle is enough to cause the bottle to collapse.Note that this will not happen so easily with glass bottles because even when one tries to suck all the air out of them, they also experience a tendency to collapse, but their structure is strong enough to withstand the pressure differences.

What does changing air pressure do to an empty water bottle?

When you pour in the hot water, it takes up all of the space inside the bottle (since it is a fluid). When you pour out the hot water and quickly put on the cap the air pressure inside the bottle is less than the air pressure outside causing the bottle to implode on itself. I'm not really sure about pouring cold water on after, maybe someone knows the answer to that part. But if you try doing it you can probably figure out what the answer is! Actually: When you pour the hot water in, and then out of the bottle the air that rushes in to replace the water is warmed by the water, and the warmed sides of the bottle, causing it to expand and some air leaves the bottle. When you then cap the bottle and let it cool to room temperature the air inside contracts, but because the cap is on no air can get back in to even things out. This causes the pressure inside the bottle to drop. Because the outside air pressure is higher than that inside the bottle, the bottle will chrush in, if it is plastic, until the bottle is small enough that the two pressures are equal. Pouring cold water on the bottle just amplifies the contraction of the air inside the bottle causing an even more pronounced effect. Note that this can be hazardous if you use glass, because the glass will not bend or crush but appear normal until the pressure difference gets to high and the glass simply implodes all at once.

What happens if you take all the air out of bottle?

It will become vacuum sealed, and opening the bottle will cause a sudden release of low pressure, where higher pressure air from it's surroundings is 'sucked' into the bottle, equalizing the pressure.

Can you use a plastic bottle for egg in a bottle?

No, because the plastic is flammable.

Related questions

Why does an empty sealed bottle collapse with altitude?

Actually, an empty sealed bottle should expand slightly as altitude increases. At the altitude where the bottle is sealed, the air pressure outside the bottle is equal to the air pressure inside the bottle. When the bottle is transported to a higher altitude, the air pressure inside the bottle is greater than the air pressure outside the bottle (In other words: There are more air molecules per unit volume inside the bottle than outside). The increased air pressure inside the bottle relative to the outside pressure causes the bottle to expand slightly. An empty bottle would not collapse as altitude increases.

Why does a plastic bottle full of steam get pressed in if placed in a refrigerator?

When the temperature of a confined sample of gas is reduced, the pressure is reduced. Just before you cover the bottle, the steam in it has the same pressure as the air outside the bottle. (If the steam momentarily had higher pressure, some of it ran out. If the steam momentarily had lower pressure, some air ran into the bottle.) After you cover the bottle, nothing can get in or out of it. Then you cool the steam. The pressure inside drops when the steam cools. Now the pressure of the air outside the bottle is higher than the pressure inside the bottle, and the higher pressure outside crushes the bottle. ================================================ Do you REALLY want to see something cool, and shock the other people in the house ? Take the same plastic bottle, boil some water, pour some of the boiling water into the plastic bottle, and when the bottle is full of steam, cover it up tight. Watch the water in the bottle. As soon as it STOPS boiling, shove the bottle into a dish of ice. The water inside will START boiling again ! From the explanation above, you should be able to explain this. Here's a hint: Water boils at a lower temperature when there's less pressure on top of it. Boiling water in Denver is not as hot as boiling water in Brawley, California, because Denver is at higher altitude. so the air pressure there is lower.

Why when the air is sucked out a bottle it collapses?

When an empty plastic bottle is left open to the atmosphere the air pressure outside and inside the bottle are in equilibrium (does not always mean they are equal, but in this case they are equal). This means that whatever force exerted by the atmosphere on the outside of the bottle is balanced by a force from the inside of the bottle. When one sucks the air out of the bottle one removes the source of pressure and forces within the bottle. The pressure differential between air outside and inside bottle is enough to cause the bottle to collapse.Note that this will not happen so easily with glass bottles because even when one tries to suck all the air out of them, they also experience a tendency to collapse, but their structure is strong enough to withstand the pressure differences.

Why when you suck a air of a bottle it shrinks?

When you suck air from a bottle you create a partial vacuum and there is less air pressure in the bottle; but outside there is atmospheric pressure so it tends to collapse the bottle.

What does changing air pressure do to an empty water bottle?

When you pour in the hot water, it takes up all of the space inside the bottle (since it is a fluid). When you pour out the hot water and quickly put on the cap the air pressure inside the bottle is less than the air pressure outside causing the bottle to implode on itself. I'm not really sure about pouring cold water on after, maybe someone knows the answer to that part. But if you try doing it you can probably figure out what the answer is! Actually: When you pour the hot water in, and then out of the bottle the air that rushes in to replace the water is warmed by the water, and the warmed sides of the bottle, causing it to expand and some air leaves the bottle. When you then cap the bottle and let it cool to room temperature the air inside contracts, but because the cap is on no air can get back in to even things out. This causes the pressure inside the bottle to drop. Because the outside air pressure is higher than that inside the bottle, the bottle will chrush in, if it is plastic, until the bottle is small enough that the two pressures are equal. Pouring cold water on the bottle just amplifies the contraction of the air inside the bottle causing an even more pronounced effect. Note that this can be hazardous if you use glass, because the glass will not bend or crush but appear normal until the pressure difference gets to high and the glass simply implodes all at once.

Where will the greatest increase in pressure occur if you squeeze the middle of an upright closed plastic bottle?

Basically, the pressure will be the same in all parts of the bottle.

How does crushing a plastic bottle work on atmospheric pressure?

I'm not sure

What is a demonstration of pressure could be done best with what?

plastic bottle and a pump

Why do bottles leak in an airplane?

They leak because the pressure inside the bottle is higher than the pressure outside of the bottle. That makes the contents in the bottle want to escape because it wants to equalize the pressure.

Why does a bottle of spring water get crushed when you put the lid on an empty bottle tightly?

The plastic bottle (which is a blight on our planet and should not be bought and tossed away lightly) is made of very thin plastic. As thinly as possible to make it inexpensive to manufacture (so that it can be bought and tossed away thoughtlessly to fill landfills). A small drop in temperature, after the lid is on, will mean that the pressure in the bottle is less than the outside pressure so the bottle implodes. Try drinking the contents of a bottle of water, put the lid on and put it in the freezer. Observe what happens.

How can air pressure be changed?

Using the equation P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2 we find there are two variables we might influence in order to change the pressure of a gas. (P=pressure, V=volume, T=temperature in degrees Kelvin) By increasing or decreasing the temperature of the bottle, you can increase or decrease the pressure within. If the bottle is made of a flexible material, like plastic, you can apply pressure to the bottle. By either squeezing the bottle or increasing atmospheric pressure outside, you deform the bottle and decrease it's volume. Since the quantity of gas inside the bottle is constant, the decrease in volume increases the pressure. Likewise to decrease the pressure in a sealed flexible bottle, you can decrease air pressure outside.

A demonstration of pressure could be done best with which of the following?

A plastic bottle with a pump