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Don't drag your feet

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Q: If walking on a carpet with socks what will reduce the charge build up?
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What causes a shcok after walking acroiss carpet and touching a metal doorknob?

you build up a charge from dragging your feet and then when you touch the doorknob you discharge the electricity.

Why are you more likely to receive a shock after walking across a carpet when the air is dry when the air is humid?

Walking across the carpet causes charges to build up on your body. On a humid day the water molecules in the air tend to be attracted to the excess charge, even though they are neutral they are polar and will still move toward a source of charge. when they contact the charged object they pick up some of the excess charge and carry it away. This constant draining of charge makes it much harder to build up the proper amount of charge to get a nice noticeable shock.also because it its like that

What is happening when you walk across a carpet and receive a shock when you touch a metal object?

Walking across a nylon carpet can cause charge separation between you and the carpet. You take on an electrostatic charge as a result. Touching a door knob allows that charge you accumulated to neutralize via a discharge event. The static discharge is the electric shock.

What happens when you rub your feet on the carpet?

If the carpet is synthetic you can build up a static charge as electrons are rubbed off the carpet. This works particularly well on cool dry days. You can get rid of the charge build up by washing your hands, touching a large metal object like a railing or by touching your friend, you will see a small blue spark as the charge discharges. (You will also see your friend jump.)

What is a buildup of charged particles?

It is when you charge a capacitor. When you walk across a carpet on a dry day, you build up a charge. It is discharged when you touch something.

Why can you get a shock by touched a doorknob after walking on a wool carpet?

You build up static electricity by walking across the carpet. When you touch metal, it releases the stored energy. positive and negative charges. when you drag your feet against carpet you are negatively charged and so the metal is positively charged so there fore causing an electric shock

Where are you most likely to build up enough static charge to receive a shock?

On a nylon carpet in a dry areaIn a carpeted restaurant in the desertWalking on carpet during the dry winter months

Where are you most liking to Build up enough static charge to receive a shock?

On a nylon carpet in a dry areaIn a carpeted restaurant in the desertWalking on carpet during the dry winter months

Why do you get an electric shock if you touch a doorknob after walking across a carpet?

You build up static electricity by walking across the carpet. When you touch metal doorknob, it releases the stored energy.positive and negative charges. when you drag your feet against carpet you are negatively charged and so the door knob is positively charged so there fore causing an electric shock

Why do you get an electic shock if you touch a doorknob after walking across a carpet?

You get an electric shock if you touch a doorknob after walking on carpet because of built up of extra electrons transferred from the carpet to your feet and then body. The electrons stay built up on you until you touch something that they can discharge on, in this case a doorknob.

What is charge on our body?

I assume that 'charge' refers to the build up of static electricity. Walk across a nylon carpet and touch someone, and a spark of static electricity will give both of you a shock.

How do you build up static charge?

on yourself: on a dry (not humid) day (usually in winter), rub your feet wearing synthetic soled shoes, on the carpet, your body will build up static charge which you can discharge by grounding to other objects. you can build a static charge on a plastic rod by rubbing it with fur. air masses build static charges by rubbing against each other. these are just a few ways.