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The volume of acetic acid would be 23.65 mL : 473 mL x 0.05 acetic acid/mL = 23.65 mL acetic acid

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Q: If you bought a 473 ml bottle of 5 percent vinegar how many milliliters of acetic acid would be in the bottle?
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Is vinegar an acetic acid?

Apple cider vinegar is alkaline. Other vinegars are classified acidic.

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Only in very small amounts, it is very unpleasant to drink and will upset your stomach, best not to drink it.

Why do you need to discard a bottle of aspirin that has developed a vinegar-like odor?

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400 milliliters because there are 1000 milliliters in 1 liter bottle of soda. So 1000 minus 600= 400

Would you use milliliters or liters to measure perfume in a bottle?


A bottle of table vinegar is an example of a homogeneous mixture?

Yes a bottle of table vinegar would be classed as homogeneous.

What happens if you shake a closed bottle of water and vinegar and let it settle for 5 minutes?

If you mix water and vinegar (acetic acid) it forms a homogeneous solution (mixture). Shaking it and letting it stand for 5 minutes will not change the appearance or the composition of the solution. So, basically noting happens.

What is average the cost of a bottle of vinegar in America?

It depends on the type and size. A 16 oz bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar costs about $2, the same size bottle of Balsamic Vinegar costs about $11. The costs also vary for White Vinegar, Red Wine Vinegar, and so on.