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Only in a vacuum. In air the air resistance will be slightly different on items of different shapes and therefore they will land at slightly different times

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Q: If you drop a cup and a brick will they land at the same time?
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A feather and a rock dropped at the same time from the same height would land at the same time when dropped by?

They wouldn't land at the same time. the rock will land first and quickly because a rock have bigger mass than a feather. A feather is very light, if you ever tried to drop it from some height you could see that it takes very long time to land and it might go away to another place too.

If a baseball and a cannonball are dropped from the same height at the same time which ball will hit the ground first?

If there is no air, the same exact time. But because its on earth, the less dense and less aerodynamic one will land slightly after. Acceleration is about -9.8 meters per second every second

Would a rubber ball fall down first or a snowball?

If you dropped them at the same time than they would land at the same time. Seperate/ at differing times would be the one you dropped first would land first ;)

Why is there an upward force on objects in a fluid?

Because an object has to displace an equivalent volume to be able to sink. Say you dropped a brick into a bucket of water, brick and water cannot occupy the same space at the same time so for the brick to sink it has to "displace" or move a volume of water equal to the size of the brick. That's why when you get in the bath the water level rises - you have displaced a volume of water equal to the size of your body.

Read the description of a science experiment below. Which part of the experiment is the fifth step in the scientific method (analyzing data and reaching conclusions)?

To her surprise, the weights land at exactly the same time -Apex

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What is the order of the items to land if you dropped a brick a tennis ball and a maple leaf at the same time and at the same height?

The brick and the tennis ball might land at the same time, but the leaf will fall last.

If you throw a ball the same time you drop a ball will they land at the same time?

Yes they will

When two object have different weight falling from same height which will come first?

drop a brick and a feather at the same time.. u tell me

When two objects of the same mass drop from different heights do they land at the same time?


If i drop a thousand pound ball and a ten pound ball in a vacuum which one will land first?

They would land at the same time.

A feather and a rock dropped at the same time from the same height would land at the same time when dropped by?

They wouldn't land at the same time. the rock will land first and quickly because a rock have bigger mass than a feather. A feather is very light, if you ever tried to drop it from some height you could see that it takes very long time to land and it might go away to another place too.

If you're sitting on a branch and you drop a large heavy rock and a small pebble what will happen?

If you drop them at the same time, they will land at the same time. Also the branch will move up as the weight is released and will oscillate depending on how heavy the objects were. Be carefull, you might fall from the sudden motion.

What falls faster a brick or a penny?

The law of gravity destines them both to land at the same time. Meaning they fall at the same speed. This of course is assuming that there is no other factors in play (wind, other objects, etc.)

I you drop a parachute with 2 different weights inside why will they land at the same time?

Because gravity pulls at the same rate unless effected by other sources that cause friction.

Why does gravity pull things down fast if it has more weight?

You're describing a behavior that Galileo proved false 500 years ago. Gravity does not pull heavier things down faster.If you can eliminate the effects of air resistance, then anything you drop from the same height hits the ground at the same time, whether you drop a feather, a baseball, or a brick.

Why does difrint size balls land at the same time?

It depends if you thrown two balls at the same time they ill land at the same time if you don't then no

Why did Galileo drop to balls off the leaning tower?

So he could come up with the ball drop theory, which is that all objects drop at the same speed. Regarding the fact that one object has a much greater mass than the other object, it will still land at the same time. Hope this helps :)