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Yes. We did this experiment today and it worked. But I don't know why.

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Q: If you put rope in salt water and then burn it will it stay together?
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Does ocean water burn your eyes?

It does because it is salt water

What is water when salt is dissolved into water?

Water is the solvent and salt is the solute. Together they make a solution of salt water.

Why is that when you mix water and salt together it is still just going to be salty water?

when you mix salt and water together the salt dissolves in the water because water can dissolve the ionic compounds

How come when you mix salt and water together it will still be salty and wet?

when you mix salt and water together the salt dissolves in the water because water can dissolve the ionic compounds

Why is water and salt a compound?

No. Water and salt on their own are compounds, but together they are a mixture.

Will salt water turn on a light?

If it was put through a turbine and spun around, yes. Though salt water doesn't burn much better than regular water (though it does depend on the salt quantity) but evaporating the water to leave behind the salt to burn the salt isn't a very good idea because of the smell it causes.

Do salt and water dissolve together?


How long will it take for salt to burn off from pool water?

about a year

How do you cure the salt and ice challenge burn?

Put Warm Water On It.

Is seawater a mixture of compounds?

It would have to be considering that water is a compound of oxygen and hydrogen, and salt is a compound. Sea water is basically salt water.... you will know because when you go to the beach you can smell the salt and if you swallow the water it will burn your throat because of the salt.

When you put salt and ice together will it burn your skin?

Combining salt and ice will make very cold, salty water, which is quite uncomfortable if you get it on your skin. This could be described as a burning cold. Actually, the answer is yes. The chemical reaction from the salt melting the ice will cause a rash to appear on your skin. If you put salt on your hand then place an ice cube on the salt, the resulting chemical reaction will burn you.

What is salt and water put together?
