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The statue has a mass of about 42,660.44 g or 42.66044 kg.

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Q: Iron has a density of 7.9 g cm what is the mass in kg of an iron statue that has a volume of 5.4?
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What is the density of iron if 5.6 g of iron occupies a volume of 20 cubic centimeter?

Density = Mass/Volume = 5.6grams/20cm2 = 0.28 g/cm3 This is clearly a hollow piece of iron since the density of solid iron is 7.9 g/cm3

What is the volume occupied by 6.00g of iron?

You can find the volume of 500 grams of iron by using the formula for density and knowing iron's density. The density of iron is 7.85 grams per cubic centimeters and the formula for density is ggiven by mass divided by volume, or volume is equal to mass divided by density. The volume is 500 grams/ 7.85 grams per cubic centimeters, which is 63.69 cubic centimeters.

Why does same sized piece of wood is lighter than iron piece?

The wood is "lighter" (weighs less; has less mass) than the iron because of it's density. Iron has a greater density than wood, and density is defined as mass/volume, so having the same volume (size), the iron will have a greater mass.

Iron weighs 100g volume is 14ml what is the density?

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What is the density of iron filings?

Density can be found by the formula ρ=m/V where ρ=density (kg/m3 or g/cm3) m=mass (kg or g) V=volume (m3 or cm3) To find the density of iron, you must first know the mass of iron at a certain volume. You can do this by using laboratory apparatus such as a measuring cylinder and/or a displacement can to find the volume of a piece of iron. Then using an electronic balance, find the mass of the same piece of iron.

Can two object have the same volume but different densities?

No,because if they have the same volume,that also means they need to have the same densities. > Density = mass / volume. Say they are different materials, such as water and iron. With an equal volume of both, the iron would be 7.85 times the weight. Therefore iron has 7.85 times the density of water.

Which is heavier cast iron or bronze?

Bronze has a higher density. so for an equal volume bronze will be heavier.

What is the volume of 63.6 gram of iron?

The density of iron (at room temperature) is approx 7.87 grams/cm3. Therefore, volume of 63.6 grams = 8.08 cm3

Why is steel denser then iron?

Density is mass divided by volume. If we assume the mass of the iron and the cotton is the same, you will find that the iron will occupy less space (less volume) than that of the cotton. The value of a mass divided by a small volume is higher than the value of the same mass divided by a larger volume. If we assume the volume of both the iron and the cotton is the same, you will also find that the mass of the iron will be higher than the mass of the cotton. The value of a large mass divided by a volume is larger than the value of a small mass divided by the same volume. In both assumptions, the value of mass divided by volume for the iron is higher than the value of mass divided by volume for the cotton. Since density is mass divided by volume, the density of iron is therefore higher than the density of cotton.

How much does iron weigh?

A single iron atom weighs 55.845 atomic mass units.The weight of a quantity of pure iron will vary depending on the volume and gravitational acceleration. The mass of iron will also vary depending on the given volume. Given the density at room temperature, 7.874 g·cm−3 and the volume of iron, you can find the mass by multiply the density and the volume. To find the weight of an object, you would need to multiply its mass by the local gravitational acceleration.

What is the density of a piece of iron with a mass of 2kg and a volume of 256 kg?


Is the density of iron a chemical property?

Density, or mass per unit volume, is a physical property of substances.