

Is air a living thing

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Is air a living thing
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it is not a living thing, because is air blowing and air is not a living thing.

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Is air a living or non-living thing?

it is non living, it doesn't go by the 7 rules of all living things.

Why is the air you breathe considered a non living thing?

air is a non-living thing because it is not an organism and it has no cells.

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Air Is Abiotic Because It Is Not A Living Thing.

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what is the relationship betweena non-livng thing and a living thing

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A non living "thing" cannot move without a living thing or a force moving it.

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moon is not a living thing because NASA is researching since many yearsthat there is AIR and WATER is available or not but till now they are not succeed to find itso you can think 'that' MOON is not a living thing without AIR and WATER

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every living thing needs air to breathe!

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Seaweed is a living organism. It is a eukaryotic protista.

What is the study of air?

its when u is a breath the thing in the sky part of living